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Dane County Human Services Budget Summary

Love the bureaucratese - "All shelter, housing case management, information and referral, and food pantry and clothing distribution services are maintained at their 2015 budgeted levels." Funny, cutting 1/3 of the Tenant Resource Center budget makes it feel like something in that sentence is disingenuous. The "services" realistically can't be "maintained" when it comes to tenants in Dane County outside the City of Madison - what other agency has the knowledge, resources and skills that the Tenant Resource Center has?

City and County Week Ahead

Another short week . . .

County Week Ahead

21 meetings . . .

TONIGHT! Winter 4, No Plan? No Permanent Comprehensive Day Center?

Can you imagine, we're going into winter number 4 with no comprehensive day center, no plans of what to do for the winter, and our heads stuck in the sand. Let's see if we can change that TONIGHT!

Check Out All the Candidates!

So far, the only unopposed Alders are . . . Verveer, Bidar-Sielaff, King, Schmidt, Weier and Clear and two walk-ons Maurice Cheeks and Denise DeMarb. But the deadline is today so we'll see if that changes. And there aren't as many retirements as once expected - only Maniaci, Solomon, Rhodes-Conway and Jill Johnson stepping down.


This is NOT an April Fools joke. It's a little more like an Easter Egg Hunt.

Recommendations made tonight to fill Denise DeMarb’s Position

The Common Council Executive Committee will meet tonight (6pm, Room 354 in city-county building) to choose their recommendation out of the 5 men running to replace Denise DeMarb to represent the 16th district on the City Council.

Blogging Distractions! Tiny House Village Update!

Worked last Saturday, working this Saturday. New laws go into effect March 1, seminars and fundraiser coming up. Two grants submitted on Monday. Re-zoning application submitted yesterday. Been a tad bit busy and missed the Judge Doyle Square discussion and Clarenbach house decision on Monday. Trying to catch up on everything. Meanwhile, lets focus on something positive - wanna see our tiny house village plans . . . :)

Linda Ketcham: People’s Affordable Housing Vision Comments

The rest of the round up on our press conference, the vision and the signatures are here. Along with the other great speakers on video. But I wanted people to see these comments from Linda Ketcham, from Madison Urban Ministry, which she graciously passed along to me. Enjoy! Enrage! Engage!

(Late) Report on Day Center Approval

This is from the plan commission meeting on Monday. Where staff beats back the ridiculous requests for conditions on the day center posed by 7 - 9 un-named business community members, most who were too cowardly to show up to the plan commission meeting and plan commission beats back the goofy request for making the developer pay for a bus stop, which never happens - including on the projects they approved earlier in the evening 2 blocks away. hey didn't really address pedestrian safety . . .

Black Lives Matter Speaker Series

Looks like some good discussions coming up! Spring 2015 speakers series.

Sue Pastor: Development at all costs . . .

and to hell with democracy and wetlands.