6 Madison Police Officers Disciplined!
We learned this week that Officers Scott McConnell and Dean Baldukas were disciplined for their online comments in a petition presented to the Common Council and four other officers the department refuses to identify were disciplined for their roles in the whiteboard incident suggesting how to make homeless persons move from the top of State St.
What will the Council Talk About Tonight?
All the alders pulled off was Steve King wanting to discuss ending the Commmunity Gardens Committee, but you know there is a whole lot more on the agenda. They will pass nearly everything in one vote . . . unless the public shows up to speak or an alder pulls another item off a the meeting. Otherwise, they will pass major legislation without discussion . . . until budget season next year, then they will complain they never discussion anything. Gee, why might that be?
2 School Races! Spring Elections Heating Up!
We actually have people running for local office!!! As of today, we have TWO school board races and people have only had 6 days to file!!
Madison (area) Schools Week Ahead
3 meetings, 2 today.
Common Council Recap
No time to go back and grab the pieces I missed, but you can watch the video here if its really important to you. Otherwise, I got most of it.
City Week Ahead
24 meetings, only 2 agendas I couldn't find. And only 6 meetings before 5:00. :)
Panhandl . . . er, “Entering or Staying on Highways” Ordinance
Two meetings coming up where this will be discussed and a new version of the ordinance is out!
Day Center Update
I'm stealing everything on this blog post from Ed Kuharski's facebook update - thanks for the updates ED!!!! But I also included another meeting tonight that wasn't listed on Monday . . . so if you missed the presentation, you can hear Catholic Charities spin on it tonight.
Going to the Police Policy Committee or the Police Policy Committee?
One's at noon (grr) and wasn't published til Monday (grr), the other is at 5:30 tonight!
What Will Madison Look Like in 10 years, and Beyond?
Have an opinion? Now is the time to get involved in a little thing called "comprehensive planning" to government geeks, and "Imagine Madison" as it has been branded for this iteration of the planning process.
Tonight: Battle of the Neighborhood Meetings
Both meetings have impacts for people way beyond the neighborhood, both at 7pm tonight. Who planned this? Oh, traffic engineers. Homeless Day Resource Center Conditional Use Permit meeting? Or John Nolen Drive Corridor Study Neighborhood Meeting? I live about 5 blocks away from both of them . . .
Waiting for MPD . . .
On July 18th I asked Chief Koval if I could assume that they would be looking into disciplinary action for Scott McConnell and Dean Baldukas for their comments calling progressives "assbags", "gloryholing nincompoops" and telling people to go fuck themselves in an on-line petition presented to the Common Council. They said I'd get an answer in 90 days . . . and now policies have disappeared and have been changed. Hmmm . . . and I'm still waiting.