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Madison Parks Watch

Do you want to help watch your park to make it safe? Upcoming training for neighborhood groups.

Public Protection and Judiciary

Did you know that if the Sheriff's Office raises money, they can spend it however they want without oversight from the county board or the public? (about 12 minutes in) And, did you know that some communities aren't paying their share of costs for the radio communications system (DaneCom) - they wouldn't say on camera which one's. (that's about a half hour in) That will be privately emailed to the committee members.

Justifying $1.2M Bathrooms

Really? Do you think it can be done? Here's a shot at it!

How did the County Affordable Housing Funding Get Decided?

I don't recall seeing any information about public presentations or input . . . did a committee review applications? Who's on that committee? Who all applied? What other projects were considered? Where could one find such information?

What’s the FBI Doing in Cherokee Marsh?

Oh, not that FBI . . . .

County Supervisors: Rescind Your Decision!

Let Homeless people sleep at the City-County Building! Letter signed by: Supervisors Carousel Bayrd, Jenni Dye, John Hendrick, Dorothy Krause, Al Matano, Patrick Miles, Leland Pan, Jeff Pertl, Kyle Richmond, Michele Ritt, Nick Zweifel and Heidi Wegleitner! Thank you!!!

County Week Ahead

4 of the 9 meetings are before 5pm. 3:00, 12:00, 1:00, 11:30? Are these times for an open and transparent government to be meeting? And on the Alliant Energy Center, Criminal Justice Council and Equity and Inclusion Advisory Board??

You Know What To Do Today!


Wisconsin Road Lovers Stuck in 1990

The Local Government Institute of Wisconsin has a new report out ( Filling Potholes: A New Look at Funding Local Transportation in Wisconsin ) that makes the case for funding Wisconsin Transportation. The problem is that the report they cite to highlight how much highway construction benefits the economy is from 1990.

Madison Area Schools Week Ahead

7 meetings! No more debates! Don't forget to vote Tuesday!

TRC Rocked! And Join Us Tonight!

Great fundraiser last night! And another tonight. Please thank all our great sponsors, food donors and check out the awesome silent auction . . . several bids were put in last night . . . and you can bid starting at 5:00 - 7:00 at the High Noon tonight!

Careful, Loiter or listen to music in city parks, you could be banned!

Ok, I know it sounds silly, but the city parks department is considering a new parks policy tonight and here's some of the silliness, including that your neighbor can turn you in without the parks department staff seeing anything, you could be banned and there is essentially no appeal.