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Madison (area) Schools Week Ahead

3 meetings.

County Week Ahead

8 meetings - looks like the first meeting of the Office for Equity and Inclusion Advisory Board. Wonder if that board ends up where the Poverty Commission is . . . where is that Poverty Commission????

City Week Ahead

If you're interested in what you can do locally to help our community stand strong against what will happen when Trump takes office, there is no limit to where you can get involved. 20 city meetings this week . . . something for everyone on the agendas, policing, local food policy, poverty issues, environmental issues, transportation issues, water issues, etc. etc. etc.

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?!

Not much, they'll save it all for the next budget battle . . . if they're still around . . .

About that City Council Budget

So, after spending the equivalent of two work days blogging the City Council budget deliberations and 5 long blog posts (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), I didn't have time to say what I thought of the budget process . . . and then it seemed it was too late, but I'm still thinking about it, so I'm blogging it now.

Madison (area) Schools Week Ahead

1 meeting. Monday, November 21 6:30pm Special Board of Education Meeting in Open Session -- WORKSHOP, Doyle Administration Bldg. 545 W. Dayton Street Madison, WI ...

County Week Ahead

Only 5 meetings this (short) week. And its a miracle! 100% of the meetings are after 5:00!!!

City Week Ahead

Short week, but it still has a council meeting and 8 other meetings.

Day 2, City Budget (Operating, Part II)

See Part 1 here. It'll be about 2 hours in when I finish the first post.

Day 2 – City Budget (Operating, Part I)

Yeah, so, after 8.5 hours yesterday, I just had to be here to finish it - call me a glutton for punishment.

Council Budget – Part III

After midnight, still on the capital budget - only made it through 12 amendments so far . . . 30 or more are left to go through . . .

Live (ish) Council Blogging Part II – Capital Budget

Part One is the public input . . . first 3 hours . . . this is the capital budget . . .