Home Media Page 58


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Steve’s Liquor – What does the City Owe Them?

Or Dane County, for that matter. From the council meeting the last week. With a little follow up and some bk comments.

Rename Breese Stevens Field?

Sell naming rights? I don't know why I had such a visceral response to this, but I find it offensive. I...

County Week Ahead

6 of 16 meetings held during the day, again, not "lunch time" meetings. 8:30, 2:30, 3:45, 7am, 9:00, 9:00. And 4 of the major county committees all meet at essentially the same time on Tuesday night.

City Week Ahead

24 meetings, 2 agendas missing.

Lawful Order = Accountability

Chief Koval has another memo about the Council's report on changes needed in the police department. He seemingly says he'll do everything they want, but he wants them to change the language so it isn't a "lawful order". I sure hope they don't. They're voting tonight, email them if you have thoughts (allalders@cityofmadison.com).

70% or so of the City Week Ahead

Expect 4 - 10 meetings to be added throughout the week. You might ask "What's the point of a "weekly schedule"?" Should be called the weekly "misleading attempt to cloud government transparency". More than half the meetings are before 5pm.

Your Turn, Please Help.

If you read my blog even 1/3 of the time you are well versed to help . . . please email your alders and county board supes - it'll take only a few moments!

Water Kerfuffle, What about trash and transit?

How does this even happen? Three days before Rhythm & Booms a story erupts that no water or water bottles will be allowed at the event because they need to make money off of concessions sales. Exhibit A about what is wrong with to country and yes, even right here in good ol' liberal Madison.

Council Recap (Part I), Sans Zoning Code Rewrite

Well, I got done what I could, I was triple booked last night. This includes the discussion on the hijacking of the Madison Metro bus for the Republican Senators . . . so enjoy! Part II and III may appear later this week if I have time!

Madison Schools Week Ahead

2 meetings today . . .

Common Council Recap – Olbrich Biergarten Discussion

After nearly 4 hours, had to go to a new blog post, my blog get cranky when I write too many words

Yesterday was a Bad Day for Progress for the Homeless

Occupy got their eviction notice and the county board's Personnel and Finance Committee took the operating funds for the Homeless Day Center out of the budget. Always more work to be done and I knew the steps forward lately were just too good to be true. So, what's next for Occupy and the County Board?