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Local NAACP Branch Reforming

I used to be on the board in the late 90's and I'm glad to see something happening locally once again!

Dane County Appeal Letter for Day Center

1490 Martin Street Appeal Letter, meeting on Thursday at 6:00 at the Town of Madison Town Hall (2120 Fish Hatchery Rd.)

Early Voting, No Voter ID Required

I'm not an early voter, I prefer to wait til election day, you never know what you might learn between now and then, but if it what it takes to get you to vote, by all means, vote early!

The City’s Grand Housing Plan?

Seriously, after years of study, this is what they have come up with?

Video from Day 5 and 6

And more coming!

What will the City Capital Budget Battles Be?

Oh, the same old, same old. Midtown Police Station, Monroe St., Public Market, Northeast side Libary, Southeast side Fire Station, elimination of downtown park, body cameras, I'm thinking we can just rewind and rewatch the last debates . . . tune in at 4:30 today as Board of Estimates enters the fray . . . here's their 34 amendments!!

Weekend and Monday Round Up

Didn't round up yesterday, so here it is from the weekend and yesterday.

Not In the News Round Up

Well, since I haven't taken the time to read the news, this is what I'm guessing is not in the news . . . either way, items of interest.

County Board to Use Messner’s Property for Affordable Housing

It's like bizarro world today, the county board is going to use the former day site property for affordable housing AND, and this is the freaky part . . . the mayor agrees.

Soglin: Resources For the Homeless when Library Closes

Alder Rummel got this response from the Mayor. I, of course, have some comments.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

4 meetings this week.

Drug Test People Who Use Food Pantries?

I hosted A Public Affair on WORT on Monday and that was the question of one of my callers, who said he works in a food pantry. Seriously, it was.