Home Media Page 59


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Ask Yourself, What is Dane County Doing?

Nothing. The answer is as little as possible, despite us raising these issues for 4 years in a row now. Where did homeless people go during that last tornado? Where should they go?

We need a Serious Review of the County RFP Process

You all remember the drama with Tenant Resource Center and United Way staff scoring . . . .looks like the new day resource center has many of the same issues . . . and its not pretty. If you ask me, the city shouldn't give them another penny, this is on the county and their stupid secretive process. Their staff had the information and knew what they were doing, they should pick up the costs.

Alder Denise DeMarb Resigns

Effective June 30th. Common Council will choose and interim alder.

Can We Apply ROI Standards to Highways Please?

If we can quantify the returns to the state for an $80 million investment in a sports arena, why isn't it possible, with "big data" technology, to insist on obtaining a similar metric before approving $1.3 billion of highway bonding in the Governor's proposed budget?

Help A Family Keep Their Housing Assistance

You may have read the article in the paper about the mother who is going to lose her section 8 because her son, who is in jail, was is facing charges that he was involved in a shooting. As a result, she is going to lose her housing assistance, even tho he will not be returning to the household any time soon.

Board of Estimates Recap

Another short meeting . . . which I expected to be longer given the agenda.

City Week Ahead

28 meetings, 12 start before 5pm, 1 cancelled, 3 have no agendas yet.

WMC Message: Support Walker

Here's a flyer from today's Wisconsin Manufacturing and Commerce meeting at Monona Terrace COMMUNITY and Convention Center, which is closed to the public today....

What’s Left of the County Week Ahead

Only missed one meeting yesterday . . . 15 meetings left. Homeless Resource Center Concept paper, letting homeless use county address to get state i.d. and diversion workgroup.

Watch All Three Mayoral Forums Here!

Not great shooting or editing on all three . . . but the content is all there.

County Week Ahead

Only one meeting on Tuesday, none on Wednesday. County Board meets this week.

County Week Ahead

Last chance to speak on the budget . . .