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City Week Ahead

Only 11 meetings, but I know there are some missing - like the Task Force on City Government Subcommittee (oh, the irony) that meets on Friday at 2. There are also three other meetings in legistar with no agenda. So at least 25% of the meetings aren't yet noticed. Council meeting this week and I guess we'll see what else - look for Mo' Meetings!

Bubbles Update

Services will continue through October and hopefully beyond! While Madison Homelessness Initiative is backing off after creating and running Project Bubbles for 5 years - volunteers are stepping up with time and money for it to continue, perhaps with changes.

The (Public Schools) Profit Motive

We have brought you the story before that the current round of "education reform" is a myth, that its just a ruse to try...

The Mockery of the Madison Media as a Meaningful Medium

The Madison School Board race has been interesting to say the least. For those of you scoring at home, three candidates declared...

And the plot thickens . . .

Turns out . . . City Attorney Michael May has a little more explaining to do . . . there are more holes in his justification for having to pay Police Chief Michael Koval's legal fees than I realized when I posted yesterday! Two major pieces of info to add . . . h/t to Greg Gelembiuk!

Madison Schools Week Ahead

After doing School Board Candidate interviews yesterday, I'm just frustrated all over again about how the MMSD is just not transparent in any way, shape or form.

Tony Galli – updated

We brought the recent story of WKOW, and their employee Tony Galli, making the Bradley Foundation's day and attacking a local elementary art teacher....

Has Stoughton Gone Nuts? $5.1M in TIF for Walmart

$5.1M in TIF for Walmart? Someone accused me of posting Onion headlines yesterday. Well, here is, sadly, yet another one you might think is the Onion but is not. Paying to kill small businesses in their community? Paying to kill better paying jobs in their community?

All Camping Tents in the City of Madison Are Illegal

No more boy scout or girl scout events, no more church camping events, no more sleep overs with the neighborhood kids, no more overflow sleeping for guests - tents in your back yard, or anywhere in the city, are illegal and you will be violating zoning code and could be written up if you don't comply.

Camp Quixote and Quixote Village

Olympia Washington . . . perhaps the smallest city by the numbers, but clearly a larger metropolitan area. 50,000 population, roughly.

Dane Dems, AFSCME 171, PD, and over 100 individuals Sign on

We just got done writing this letter at 4:00 on Tuesday, less than 48 hours later, we have major support from 20 organizations and over 100 individuals.

Dear Uber and Lyft . . .

. . . Love, the City Attorney.