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This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

What Happened to Brenda’s Blogging?

Seems a little sparse lately. Why?

Mayor’s New Policy on Department Websites and Social Media

Hmmm . . . let's check it out!

Council Cranky about Overture

Wow. They weren't very happy about voting for either of these items, the "comfort" resolution or the review committee.

Mahoney/Blaska Collusion on Immigration?

Blaska gives Mahoney politics and strategy advice on the immigration issue and Mahoney asks for support when it goes to committees. That's about all I was able to tell as the 4 week long quest for information ends in a fizzle/incompetency.

Not in the News Round Up

Uh-oh, I haven't been so good lately. Time to clean out the email.

POTUS visit: Extra Metro Buses tonight; accessible entrance WILL close 15 minutes earlier

Good news from Metro - from an email: ...we are going to have extra buses on the street after the presidential visit. Our regular service...

How to Get Boots to a Homeless Person

I have to say, as angry as I can get at most local politicians for burying their heads in the sand when it comes to homelessness, I am 100 times more proud of those ordinary people who find it unacceptable and are doing something about it . . . check out this one little example from yesterday.

Rules for Homeless, Not Millionaires!

What a weird week - at the same time they're trying to kick homeless people off the steps of the city-county building, they are throwing open the doors to give millionaires, millions more. Taking the minimal safety away from those who have the least and giving away our tax dollars to those who need it the least in a gross game of Casino Capitalism. Email your alders on Judge Doyle Square! The votes seem close! Show up on Tuesday if you can stomach it.

Protesters are Responsible for Striking Down Anti-Union Bill

With Judge Sumi's ruling striking down Walker's collective bargaining law, it's worthwhile to recall just how it came to be that the Republicans ended...

Capital Budget Department Request Highlights – Part I

So, here's many of the big items, minus streets, parks, water utility, sewer utility, etc which will be in part II. Items of particular interest in red. BK comments in purple. Note all the new TIF districts and the $62 million to fix up the area around the train station . . . and $70 million to move the bus barn . . .

County Week Ahead – Last Chance to Speak on the Budget!

On possibly yet unseen amendments!


Streets department has this to say about our roads this morning.