Support a Housing Justice County Budget Tonight!
This is from Heidi Wegleitner and supported by the Homeless Services Consortium and many housing advocates, but now, your voice is needed! They need to hear from people in their districts . . . that are not the usual suspects. (Usual suspects - still email your own supervisor or show up tonight, your voices are needed too!)
School Board Week Ahead
Also, budget, budget, budget. And referendum.
County Week Ahead
It's all about the budget - but the amendments remain elusive. Many of the agendas posted here do not (yet) contain the amendments they will be discussion and voting on.
City Week Ahead
City Budget at Board of Estimates - seems like a bit of a snoozer. Did you know there's a city committee that has been cancelled 17 of the last 18 meetings?!
Join Tenant Resource Center Tonight! Silent Auction/Master Chef Cook-off
A huge thanks to all our supporters! Please join us tonight at the Brink Lounge (701 E Washington Ave) 5:00 - 7:00. We have a great silent auction lined up and the winners of the spring iron chef battles will be competing in Lemon Battle. Please make sure to thank everyone involved!
Homeless Services Consortium Weighs in on County Budget
If you'd like to help support these recommendations, email the county board at and make sure to include your address so they know you are a constituent!
Only Public Hearing on County Budget at full County Board Tonight
This is the only chance to have public comment in front of the full board now that the County Executive Budget is out. It's hard to tell what we're commenting on, some committees have amendments out, some don't, but if you have opinions, now is the time!
Police Policy Change: Wait For Backup!
Yeah. Chief Koval finally got it, after several people have died, he's changed the policy telling police to wait for back up unless their is a threat to someone's safety (not property).
What will the Council Talk About Tonight
Hmmmmm . . . nothing? There is a public hearing on the budget, wanna take bets if anyone shows up?
Extra Common Council Surprise Agenda Items
Sent out by the clerk at 6:35 last night . . .
A New Men’s Shelter at 120 S. Fairchild?
Includes rooms for intoxicated people, sick people, safe rooms for transgender persons, a bed bug room, pay to stay options, rooms for couples, 160 beds in one location, a public restroom open 24/7, etc.
Madison Schools Week Ahead
3 meetings this week (that we know of)