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City Week Ahead

Usually the 4th week of the month is a bit of a snooze, not this week! 27 meetings!

Join Me in a Ginormous Happy Dance!!!

Democracy, equity, sunshine, open government, and, well, me (and you), all get to score a point today! And when you see the city clerk, tell her (and whomever helped make this decision) thank you! Thank you! Thank you! hugehappyface2 purplehappydancegirl hugehappyface

County Week Ahead

12 meetings, 6 start after 5:00.

City Community Development Priorities?

These priorities seem old, tired and recycled to me, and they don't seem to be working so well for us. Hearing on Thursday, but, as always actual public appearances are limited to 3 minutes and it seems, frowned upon. I'd suggest written comments which is what I will likely do. Please give your written input too!

Civil Public Discourse – Cottage Grove

Is a great idea to strive for, but personally, if I had to pick, I would prefer INFORMED public discourse. Tonight, at...

Who got the votes?

Who got the most votes on the council? Some people who lost got more votes than winners in other districts.

County Week Ahead

Sometimes their alphabet soup makes their agendas nearly unreadable, there are a couple agendas I could tell you what they are talking about and of course, no links to help figure it out.

Tiny House Fundraiser Tonight!!!

I can't believe that anyone who knows me or reads what I write doesn't know about this by now but just in case you need a reminder, tiny house fundraiser tonight!!!!

Examining the Shelter System – Salvation Army, Part II

Single women and family shelters at The Salvation Army.

More Details on former Police Chief Rev. David Couper 1:00 Press Conference Today

Speakers changed a little, but this is the latest info I have . . . I suspect this is a game changer.

Open Letter to John Strasser

Regarding Privilege and Discrimination