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What Will The Council Talk About Tonight?

Nothing? No items have been pulled off the agenda for discussion. Should be a short one.

Don’t Forget to Vote Today!

Most people will be voting on schools issues . . . but there is also a Mayoral primary in Fitchburg.

More Rules Don’t Apply to the Chief

How is it that our chief law enforcement officer, Police Chief Mike Koval doesn't have to follow the rules? First, he gets found guilty, but gets no punishment. (that never happens to you and me) And now, the good ol' boys want to grant him further privileges, and $22,000, for being found guilty? The council should be thanking Sharon Irwin and Shadyara Kilfoy-Flores for doing what they didn't have the guts to do, and they should pay their legal bills - and it would likely be far less than $22,000.

How much are our Kids/the Poor worth?

Let's face it, the military preys on the poor, who have few options. Madison Metro is helping that happen - at what price? Or profit?

City Week Ahead

21 meetings so far . . . only 8 of them before 5pm. Several without agendas yet.

City Week Ahead

Only 6 meetings after 5:00 this week, 2 at 4:30, the rest are at such accessible times as 12:15, 10, 11, 1:30, 2:30, 12:30, 1:30 and 11:30. 3 meetings in legistar not on the clerk's schedule, 2 missing agendas. Task for on Music and Equity is talking about policing, Room Tax Commission is looking at 2019 budget, Transportation Committee reviewing 122 State St. Hotel, Triangle Neighborhood Meeting and Police Policy Review Committee continues making recommentations.

What will the council talk about tonight

This, and items people show up to talk about - like the budget and the Police Policy Report writer.

The County Board Rocks!

Rumors are circulating that County Executive Joe Parisi is gearing up to veto some of these initiatives. However, the county board supervisors are...

City Week Ahead – Geez, Who’s in charge of Council Agenda Management?

8 meetings before 4:30 (32%), 16 before 5:30 (64%). So, someone thinks 32 - 64% of the meetings don't need public input? Agree?

The Problem with George Austin & the Public Market Square

Has nothing to do with George Austin . . . per se.

Pay Living Wage for Jail Inmates

It's a proposal that will be considered tonight at Personnel and Finance Committee at 5:15 in Room 354 of the City County Building. Currently, for a 8.5 shift, they are paid . . . $3.50 PER DAY, not per hour. Seriously.

City Week Ahead

Only 5 of the 21 meetings start after 5:00 . . . and I'm sure that there will be more meetings that are added throughout the week.