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Tenant Resource Center is Hiring

Tenant Resource Center is hiring! Lead Case Manager/Program Director. Resume and cover letter due noon on Thursday, June 2nd.

What’s the FBI Doing in Cherokee Marsh?

Oh, not that FBI . . . .

Board of Estimates Recap – Part I

Multiple technical difficulties this morning slowed me down! Anyways, here's a start on the meeting. IT and Engineering Directors 5 year contracts and Kipp.

How did the County Affordable Housing Funding Get Decided?

I don't recall seeing any information about public presentations or input . . . did a committee review applications? Who's on that committee? Who all applied? What other projects were considered? Where could one find such information?

Unbelievable Insult! Oh, and No Warming Center this Winter.

This is the insult: At the same time the county is proposing to cut TRC services entirely ($95,000) so they can pay for a day center, they are not going to have the permanent comprehensive day center, but instead proposing to spend $60,000. $30,000 of it they will give to Porchlight to drive people around to various services Nov 1 - March 31, including apparently dropping them off at the Tenant Resource Center. Excuse me, but WTF?

Still Haven’t Decided Who to Vote For?

Here's a few things that will help if there are any of my blog readers that are still undecided.

Carol Lobes: A Bill of Pariculars

Governor Scott Walker and Republican Co-Conspirators’ Blatant, Divisive Actions to Destroy Cooperation and Collective Bargaining in the State of Wisconsin

City Week Ahead

So. many. meetings. I hope to be at several of them this week, but that all depends upon work. No too many daytime meetings or screw ups - relatively speaking . . .

County Budget Public Hearing. Amendments and Confusing Process

I gotta say, I am just confused this year. Just when I think I know what is going on, I guess I figured out that I have no clue what is going on. Luckily, I can call supervisors and ask . . . but their process shouldn't be that confusing that you need someone to explain it to you.

County Board (Live-ish) Recap

So, a blog post-lite, but here's the basics.

Ugly Picture for Funding for Local Non-Profits

At the last public hearing on the budget, the Mayor seemed confused by non-profits coming forward saying they were getting cut by 20 and 30%. He said we'd be held harmless this year. Too bad he's not paying better attention. Here's a taste of who is getting cut at the moment . . . Community Services Commission meets tonight to decide who might get additional funding. When we have 17% of our population in the City of Madison living in poverty, this is ugly, ugly news.

Wisconsin Road Lovers Stuck in 1990

The Local Government Institute of Wisconsin has a new report out ( Filling Potholes: A New Look at Funding Local Transportation in Wisconsin ) that makes the case for funding Wisconsin Transportation. The problem is that the report they cite to highlight how much highway construction benefits the economy is from 1990.