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Last Minute Changes to Edgewater TID Rushed Through Plan Commission

Last night was one of those nights that sucked to try to cover things in city hall. I managed to catch part of Landmarks, part of Plan, part of Landmarks again, park of Plan again and none of Board of Estimates. And, the kicker, my TiVo died so I couldn't compensate. Boo. Anyways, here's what Plan did on the Edgewater TID with bk comments.

#HandsOffBrandi! by Nathan Maurer

Brandi Grayson is an outspoken, Black female leader in a growing, community-based social justice movement in our city, and it’s making the white guys in charge unhappy. Recent concentrated attention by the Madison Police Department on Brandi has resulted in what Chief Koval calls “pure coincidence” when explaining why it seems she can’t turn around without finding a squad car in her front yard or a new surprise citation she didn’t know she’d earned. But any clear-eyed person can see; this is just plain legalized harassment.

Madison (area) Schools Week Ahead

3 meetings.

County Board Races are On!

Heidi Wegleitner announces she is running to replace County Board Supervisor Barbara Vedder and filed late last week. Vedder announced her retirement earlier...

What Should Our Local Government Look Like – 3rd Way

Alder Rebecca Kemble was tasked with reconciling the mayor's version with Sarah Eskrich's version of what a committee to re-shape local city government would look like and what they would be charged with doing. How'd she do?

City Parks: Changes? Keep what you like?

More planning going on, lots of meetings where you can voice your desires, concerns and support the things you love about our parks!

TRC Board Rarely Speaks Out About Legislation

But not this time! AB183 Will Harm Both Tenants and Landlords - Tenant Resource Center Board of Directors Speaks Out in Opposition of Bill Being Voted on Tomorrow

Progressive Dane Garden Party

Will you be there?

Madison Schools Week Ahead

2 meetings.

The Problem with Bullshitters

This is written by Gregory Gelembiuk . . . but I wish I had written it. Thanks Greg!!!! The council will be having a special item on their agenda on Tuesday to talk about the recent police shootings . . . I hope they take a look at all the resources and information Greg has dug up and laid nicely at their feet! You might also be interested in Amanda Hall and Mayor's Soglin's responses here. If you have an opinion, email your alders (allalders@cityofmadison.com) and the mayor (mayor@cityofmadison.com). There will not be a chance for public input on this item (#22) at the meeting.

Common Council Committee Recommendations on Policing, City Attorney Responds

It is likely that this will be the last meeting of the Common Council Committee to give short term recommendations for changes while the ad hoc committee and the consultant work on long term recommendations. Of course . . . nothing is without drama, so the council has their 13 recommendations and the City Attorney responds that that for the most important ones (use of force and back-up) the council doesn't have authority to make these changes. And Chief Koval responds! (Worthy of its own blog post!) And citizen members react to the City Attorney's opinion. If you have opinions, the committee meets tonight at 7:00. Email allalders@cityofmadison.com if you can't make it.

East Isthmus Planning Council Update

Wow, big changes in the works. Volunteers needed!