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What will the City Capital Budget Battles Be?

Oh, the same old, same old. Midtown Police Station, Monroe St., Public Market, Northeast side Libary, Southeast side Fire Station, elimination of downtown park, body cameras, I'm thinking we can just rewind and rewatch the last debates . . . tune in at 4:30 today as Board of Estimates enters the fray . . . here's their 34 amendments!!

Madison (metropolitan area) Schools Week Ahead

3 meetings - unless they add more. Both the Board of Education and Board of Estimate (City of Madison) are voting on the police contract in the schools tonight.

County Week Ahead

I still can't find a budget schedule for them . . . has anyone seen one?

FTR: Mo’ Meetings (from last week)

A cautionary tale, even though at the beginning of the week there were 28 meetings listed - they still managed to add 9 more. Sorry I didn't have time to blog this last week.

City Week Ahead

Budget battle begins . . .

Madison (Area) School District Week Ahead

4 meetings - Police in the schools (closed session), TIF Districts and more!

County Week Ahead

21 meetings . . . 11 before 5pm.

City Week Ahead

28 meetings packed into 4 days, 8 of them start between 4:30 and 6:30 on Monday! 12 of them start before 5:00 this week.

Three Complaints Filed Against Chief Koval

So, the initial hearings (i.e. boring!) for the three cases filed against Madison Police Chief Michael (Mike) Koval were yesterday. I took video, they are brief. I wanted people to see what it takes to file a PFC complaint, since its such a mysterious process. I don't have a copy of the first complaint, but I will get one, here is the Sharon Irwin and Shadayra Kilfoy-Flores one.

Attorney May’s Investigation into Wrong-doing at Monona Terrace

Here's his initial report on his investigation. My first question is why did it take 4 months to have an initial hearing on an ethics board complaint?

Mo’ Meetings!

So, I really thought the days of having to make these posts was over . . . .no so!

School Board Statement on Police in the Schools

Also known as EROs!