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3 (or 4) Ways to Help with the Day Center Today and Tomorrow (and...

Heh, I didn't have to write this cuz Heidi Wegleitner did . . . but I added one thing. Seriously, take a look and email or show up if you can . . . we need help to change the direction this is going - it needs to be a comprehensive center that is appropriately funded to get a good operator with the tools they need for this to be successful.

What a Shitty Day Round Up

Ok, I took my camera and went back to the capitol yesterday. The best sign I saw simply said "a sad day". Indeed. If you think yesterday's round up was depressing . . . well, today's is worse.

Items Council Members Want to talk about tonight . . .

So it will be these items, public hearing items and anything the public speaks to that will be discussed tonight.

County Week Ahead

20 meetings, 2 cancelled - seems to be that time of the year! About half are before 5pm

Madison Schools Week Ahead

6 meetings!

Madison Schools Week Ahead

3 meetings . . .

Madison School Week Ahead

2 meetings tonight, press conference tomorrow.

Willy St. Coop IS Looking at E. Washington Location

Just looking. But they are in the very early stages of considering it.

What Happened to Brenda’s Blogging?

Seems a little sparse lately. Why?

Check Out All the Candidates!

So far, the only unopposed Alders are . . . Verveer, Bidar-Sielaff, King, Schmidt, Weier and Clear and two walk-ons Maurice Cheeks and Denise DeMarb. But the deadline is today so we'll see if that changes. And there aren't as many retirements as once expected - only Maniaci, Solomon, Rhodes-Conway and Jill Johnson stepping down.

Mayor and Council Say Madison Should have Local Control! Don’t ruin our communities!

They are better Republicans than the Republicans in the Assembly . . . could the City be headed to court to challenge Local Control and Uniformity? I wish. I really don't know, but the mayor raises a really, really good issue (read why I love this mayor even tho we don't always agree!). Best quote: Ald. Lauren Cnare "this is about more than being mean to renters, its about ruining neighborhoods"!

Madison City Council Won’t Stand Up Against Citizen’s United?

Republican Party applauds them!!! What?! The Democrats on our City Council applauded by the Republicans?! I've been asked to explain and I can't. What happened, this should have been a slam dunk. Is it because the Council knows better than Mike McCabe and the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign? Or, they hate the Mayor? Or, they love the Chamber of Commerce and the Madison Area Builders Association?