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City and County Mo’ Meetings

This is so absurd - both bodies have rules (ordinances and APMs) that say the meeting notices are supposed to be in by Friday at noon . . . but I guess that's more of a suggestion? Sould we all start treating ordinances like suggestions?

Joe Parisi: 2017 Budget Instructions

I didn't even read it yet, but you know, this year will be one of the toughest budget years ever . . . again. No one can anything to the budget, except when he does it for new awesome programs handpicked by him with no public process.

Highway Funding Grows 14.7% in Governor’s Budget

The budget has been released, and the big transportation news is that the Governor is proposing to increase highway spending by 14.7%.  The money...

Neighborhood Meeting on Hovde Proposal/Downtown Firestation

Neighborhood meeting . . . Thursday. Busy week.

Jail Resolution moves Forward Tomorrow Night

Public Protection and Judiciary and Health and Human Needs expected to vote tomorrow night. Personnel and Finance to meet and vote the 23rd and the full county board to vote on Thursday, March 26

County Week Ahead

7 meetings, none on Tuesday or Wednesday.

30% Water Rate Price Hike?

Might want to let the water utility know (today or tonight) what you think about their proposal.

Firefighters Turn their Back on the Wisconsin State Journal

Drop their subscriptions. $6,000 worth.

How should Dane County Spend It’s $2M Affordable Housing Fund?

They had a hearing last week. And have another one on Wednesday at 1:30. They are clearly just looking for shovel ready projects, but here is the testimony of the Homeless Services Consortium and regardless of what project, what kind of priorities should be set in funding projects.

County Public Hearing on Human Service Budget

Tomorrow! 6:00. Come support the Tenant Resource Center! If you can't make it, email parisi@countyofdane.com. Here's the official notice!

It’s Friday, Before a Holiday Weekend, So . . .

How about some new information about the Edgewater issue to be decided on Tuesday.

50 – 60 New Units of Affordable Housing for the Homeless!

We have over 500 chronically homeless, mostly individuals in the City of Madison, so this is a significant start! Here's my summary of the meeting last night.