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Madison Schools Week Ahead

3 meetings . . .

Madison School Week Ahead

2 meetings tonight, press conference tomorrow.

Willy St. Coop IS Looking at E. Washington Location

Just looking. But they are in the very early stages of considering it.

City Week Ahead

Yup, here we go again.

Be Careful Who Your “Friends” Are!

I recently attended the Educate to Elevate Conference in Madison, and I was very skeptical going in. While I left the conference just...

Open Letter to County Officials on Token Creek Campground

They are unwilling to give us an extension past February 17th and we . . . say it with me . . . HAVE NO LEGAL PLACE TO GO!!! Still, yet, again.

HUD Wants Us To . . . Part I: Prioritize Chronically Homeless for...

HUD wants has some lofty goals of ending homelessness, some communities are taking this task very seriously. HUD is issuing statements about guidance of what they expect to see. In permanent supportive housing, HUD wants us to prioritize chronically homeless persons. Will we?

Dynamic Duo

divide and conquer Scott Walker has effectively created the biggest partisan divide in our state's history. His goal was to "divide and conquer"...

Train Station Comments Due TODAY.

Comments are due today. My guess is the decision has been made, but you should try anyways. Here's Alder Rummel's comments, fwiw.

Let the Churches do it!

Again, from that lovely HHN meeting, a second of three or four or five issues. When cutting the CAC $10,000 for either food or clothing programs, the county decided that the only clothing program should be cut and that instead, let the churches do it. When it comes to poverty issues and homeless issues, it seems the county will try to find any way they can not to be responsible for vital programs in our community.

DATCP Notices Students!

Wow, I've been in the tenant/landlord business a long time and rarely, if ever, have I seen the state agency (DATCP = Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection) that is supposed to be dealing with tenant/landlord problems step up during the August 15th time period. That changed this year.

County Week Ahead

12 meetings, 6 start after 5:00.