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Madison Schools Week Ahead


County Week Ahead

Public Hearing on the budget tomorrow, the rest of the meetings are all on Thursday.

City Week Ahead

14 meetings in this short week, and I'm sure there are more that will get announced later in the week. City Council meeting tonight loaded with issues, but few will likely be talked about.

Mo’ Meetings

Cuz, you know, they can't seem to meet deadlines at the city . . . you miss a parking ticket deadline you get and extra $10 fine . . . maybe we should implement that kind of a system for the people who send in the agendas.

Just a Few Items at Board of Estimates . . .

This is mostly about police in the schools, but, by the looks of this agenda . . . summer is over, back to work! Just a few of the items the Board of Estimates made recommendations on and heard updates on were as follows: Judge Doyle TID, mayor's task force to study government structure, new Civil Rights Direcotr, undergrounding electric projects, State St. grant program, Madison Public Market, Midtown Police Station, Day Resource Center funding, police in the schools, annexing the Town of Madison and Garver Feed Mill . . .

Progressive Dane Statement on Police in the Schools

Progressive Dane has issued a letter to the Madison School Board and the City of Madison Board of Estimates regarding their vote on the contract for police in the schools later this afternoon. We are urging them to have a 1 year contract to allow for the police study to be completed and to allow for more public input. Additionally we are calling for a limit to the actions police can take in the schools, more frequent public reporting and a student complaint process.

Here we go again. Chief Koval will be “listening”.

He will likely do more talking than listening. "Listening" will likely be limited and controlled. These are dog and pony shows for the upcoming budget. Rallying support for his next PR stunt. Since those of us with concerns are "raging lunatics" or "gloryholing nincompoops" according to our fine MPD, we will likely just be ignored. Praise for the department always welcome, he just can't get enough.

Police in Schools: Dueling BOE Meetings

Monday there are two BOE meetings. One is the Board of Estimates, which is the city finance meeting. One is the Madison School Board of Board of Education. Both will be voting on the contract for police in schools on Monday (4:30 and 6:00). The Common Council will (most likely) vote the day after Labor Day.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

Hmmm, the item in the "library" is from last week . . . so there more may be more meetings, but I don't know how to find out where they are. Also, these are the legal notices, so if its wrong . . .

County Week Ahead

7 ish meetings - one meeting has 6 notices because its a joint meeting between several committees on several issues and they have their own business to do. 3 of the meetings are before 5:00.

City Week Ahead

15 meetings - only 5 start at 5:00 or after . . .

Madison Schools Week Ahead

2 meetings - MSCR and Badger Rock.