Home Media Page 65


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City Operating Budget Initial Presentations

I missed the capital budget, but I"m determined to get the operating budget done! We'll see . . . I tend to be a little too optimistic about my time!

$1.2M in Revenue for the City Budget?

Or more? So, if the city were to ask large non-profits (like hospitals, but not religious institutions) to pay for police, fire and snow plowing services, they could increase their revenue by at least $1.2M a year. Do we have the political will to do that?

MMSD Schools Week Ahead

Maybe. Apparently looking at the legal notices on Monday morning isn't sufficient, you have to look in several places to find out what is really going on.

County Week Ahead

Sorry this is late!!! Tenant Resource Center is nearly all moved and nearly all our computers are working -- kinda . . . and now after working 30 hours in two days, I'm able to do "fun" stuff!! A couple meetings on the jail and county board meeting includes lake levels committee.

Susan Schmitz (DMI) and Bill White on the “Broken” Development Process

Turns out, they say the development process isn't broken. And they back off of many of the other statements in their report.

Mayor at it Again

Such weird mixed messages from him. And I think he;s getting bad information. Here's his latest, not his greatest. After saying the ONLY place you can sleep outside is the City-County Building, he know says that people can't sleep there either.

City Week Ahead

This is somewhat of a mess, 2 cancelled meetings, 5 meetings listed in legistar with no agenda's, meetings listed on the weekly meeting schedule without access to agendas and one meeting with no agenda and two different times and locations listed. Plus meetings at 2pm, 1pm, 8:30am, 11am, 9 am, 12pm, 12pm, 2:30pm and 12pm.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

Two meetings today - in just a few hours . . .

Who Lobbied Against Raw Milk and Why?

Someone compiled the list, and it wasn't what I suspected. Are all these folks afraid of competition? I understand the couple of health organizations,...

Beaches Closed!

See which ones below . . . very few seem open.

Spring Referendum on Corporate Personhood and Money as Speech

Are Corporation People? Is money speech? You get to vote on it!