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DMI/CNI Mayor Candidate Forum

Minus Paul Soglin. The contest for who will run against him. Here's the video, the questions, cliff notes on the candidates responses and what my responses would have been (WWBKD)

Gosh the County Can Be Rude!

Is it just me? Or is this lack of responses kinda stunning. How do you resolve a conflict when one party is simply ignoring the other . . .

Vote on Judge Doyle Square TODAY

Last vote before it goes to council in 8 days, on September 1 - is it a go, or no?

Updates on Proposals for Don Miller Properties on E. Washington

Yesterday the Council was briefed on the proposals and all the "challenges" to policies that the projects will face

Random Round Up

Events and things happening around town.

TIF, TIF, TIF and more TIF

Joe Gramacki, the City's TIF coordinator gives his quarterly TIF report to the Board of Estimates (city finance committee). It's a doosey. Developers ask, we bend over. (backwards, to help them).

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight? (Updated)

The following . . . and anything that people show up to talk about . . .

The Right to be Publicly Critical

For nonprofit staff, that right is being denied or at least highly discouraged by the City (and County?).

Faith Communities Can’t Continue to Fill Human Services Gaps

The faith communities in and around Madison have been critical to filling human services gaps for years, but the needs are increasing beyond what they can handle, and they shouldn't have to provide for basic needs in the first place. The faith community responds to comments by Lynn Green, Director of Dane County Human Services.

Follow the Money on Judge Doyle Square

Who stands to profit here. Who's making money on the deal? And who's losing? Spoiler alert: this is a sucky deal for taxpayers.

Pitifully Few Vie for County Board/School Board Seats

Filing deadline is tomorrow and out of 37 potential county board races, there are currently . . . four. 3 known retirements from the board. 89% of the county board supervisors are likely to skate through another election, unopposed. No contested races for 3 of the 7 school board seats?

Human Services Board requests $10M per year for Affrdable Housing

Double down on the mayor's efforts!