Home Media Page 66


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

2nd CD Fail

Today the Wisconsin Democrats from the 2nd CD held their annual convention where they elected a new CD chair. Congratulation go out to...

Capital Budget Live Blog, of sorts

If I don't live blog it, it won't happen, so this is what you are getting, a lazy live blog of sorts, sorry . . . my job sucks and is sucking it all out of me.

Civil Public Discourse – Cottage Grove

Is a great idea to strive for, but personally, if I had to pick, I would prefer INFORMED public discourse. Tonight, at...

Madison Schools Week Ahead

No actual MMSD meetings - 2 quasi MMSD meetings.

Is it working?

Recently, Monona Grove Elementary teacher Jeff Knudson was the "star" of an ad for Scott Walker. Mr. Knutson looked directly into the...

East Isthmus Planning Council Update

Wow, big changes in the works. Volunteers needed!

Ooops, 17 Amendments!

I missed the revised version . . . and there are two LETS GIVE THE DEVELOPERS WHAT THEY WANT TIF Amendments. This is absurd.

Who got the votes?

Who got the most votes on the council? Some people who lost got more votes than winners in other districts.

Everything You Need to Know about 2014 Capital Budget, So Far (Updated!)

Yeah people, the budget has begun. Tonight the council seeks input on their initial amendments for the Capital Budget that are due tomorrow at noon, to be voted on at the Board of Estimates on Monday!

Let’s GoGo!!!!!

Please help spread the word, it is just as important as donating at this point!

Late Breaking Day Center Info

Two items, one from Lynn Green, one from Joe Parisi.

Ask Yourself, What is Dane County Doing?

Nothing. The answer is as little as possible, despite us raising these issues for 4 years in a row now. Where did homeless people go during that last tornado? Where should they go?