Home Media Page 67


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

What happened to Council Priorities and Reform?

The CCOC discussed it all - a year after their foray into creating council priorites - equity, affordable housing, transportation, etc - we probably have some results on these important issues right . . . oh, wait, that right, we changed the names of people and committees and it seems this discussion is done. It seems to be a major fizzle.

$439 Tickets for what?

Not this. standonhead But this. sitting And it takes 4 officers. 4officers Community policing!!! I'm sure that is what this is. At any point they're break out some cards and play Euchre or a basketball and shoot some hoops. Wait, that's only for elderly and kids under the age of 14.

32 of Wisconsin’s 56 Black Neighborhoods Are Jails?

Well, this is disturbing, not surprising if you think about it, but disturbing none-the-less.

Council Committee to Review Policing Policies

While the larger study is going on and the citizen review group is doing their work, the alders are going to start their own to get some preliminary items addressed, particularly use of force, but they aren't limiting themselves to just that issue. Good discussion and goals!

What Will The Council Talk About Tonight?

Nothing? No items have been pulled off the agenda for discussion. Should be a short one.

Salvation Army Donations Needed

This for items that homeless people need. Feminine hygiene products, diapers, large adult t-shirts, etc.

Make a Call for Lisa Mitchell Today

Passing along a message to help a trans woman get justice. Let her out of solitary confinement, free her and let her get on with her life - she has housing, a job and support in place. Enough is enough.

Mo’ effin’ meetings

I should have known better than to be so happy and excited about my local government aiding in transparency . . . not much has changed. Here's 4 more meetings from today.

Is Police Chief Koval A Liar or Incompetent?

Cuz, even I knew the answer to Mo Cheek's question about officer comments about the public. And its not what Chief Koval told the told the Common Council, not even close. It clearly flew in the face of his own department policies.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

3 meetings . . . plus the anticipated topics the board will be discussing in August.

County Week Ahead

5 meetings, two cancelled - yeah, so three meetings this week? 1 Monday, 2 Thursday

City Week Ahead

Only 14 meetings, only 6 start after 5:00, the rest are during the day when many are at work. Make sure to check back for more meetings - the good news of getting agendas out on time isn't really panning out.