Home Media Page 67


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Occupy Moving Today

We said we were moving on the 16th of April when we could get in to the campgrounds, and we are . . . 3:00 today. A couple problems, of course . . .

Vote! Today!

Polls open at 7am, close at 8pm, you have plenty of time . . . its a partisan primary, so you have to choose which party you are voting for and only vote for that party's ballot - you can't vote for a few of each.

County Week Ahead

Budget, budget, budget but meetings still at 1pm, 2:30pm, 3:45pm, 8:15, 8am and 9am

City Week Ahead

31 city meetings this week . . . 31 in 4 days. I couldn't find 5 of the agendas.

Tenants Have Rights in Foreclosure!

Hmmm . . . I didn't have much/anything to do with this, but its good info to know!

Let the Churches do it!

Again, from that lovely HHN meeting, a second of three or four or five issues. When cutting the CAC $10,000 for either food or clothing programs, the county decided that the only clothing program should be cut and that instead, let the churches do it. When it comes to poverty issues and homeless issues, it seems the county will try to find any way they can not to be responsible for vital programs in our community.

Cold Weather this week and being Homeless

Here's the available updates:

JFC – More Meetings!! 7 more!

This just drives me nuts, what is so hard about communicating your agendas on time?

Elections Matter!

When Judge Colas ruled that parts of ACT 10 were Unconstitutional, the Governor was quick to personally attack Judge Colas but never once mentioned...

Pre-view of the City Council Meeting

Often there are over 50-100 items the city council votes on in one motion on the council floor unless an alder pulls it off the agenda to discuss - or a member of the public shows up to speak on it. And even when members of the public speak, they hear what they have to say then pass the items without comment. Here's and overview of the meeting and a brief summary of what they probably won't talk about tonight, but we'll find out when the consent calendar comes out later today - I usually post them as "Things the Council with Talk About" or similarly labeled blog posts. So much gets done with almost no comment at this point.

Takin’ Sides on Immigration

Blaska announced on Friday he is taking sides. He attempts to define "the other side", so lets take a peak. What side would you choose?

City Week Ahead

Only 15 meetings, one cancelled . . . honestly, I can't and don't keep up with all the changes throughout the week, its kinda overwhelming and ridiculous to post about it every day . . . at the moment, there are at least 4 agendas missing that we know of - typical offenders - Madison Food Policy Committee, Public Market Committee, Community Development Block Grant Committee and who knows what will be added to that throughout the week.