Home Media Page 67


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Random Round Up

Still catching up from vacation - so here's a few random things I didn't have more time for.

Train Station Comments Due TODAY.

Comments are due today. My guess is the decision has been made, but you should try anyways. Here's Alder Rummel's comments, fwiw.

More Blogging Catch Up

Ugh, vacation, followed by a funeral, and a fundraiser for TRC tonight, sorting out how to make homeless storage work starting Nov. 1 and tiny house village weeks away from opening have made blogging difficult.

County Week Ahead

Busy week - 22 meetings!

The Mayor’s First Public Hearing on the Budget!

How'd it go? You're never going to believe it!

Short Budget and Elections (City) Week Ahead

One (probably very, very long) meeting on Monday, none on Tuesday.

Soglin Says More Capital Budget Cuts Needed

Last year it was easier . . . since there was so much that Mayor Dave was putting in the budget that never got built . . . this year, more cuts . . . this ought to be interesting.

Scott McDonell: Which Eileen Bruskewitz would we get?

If she won the election, which Eileen Bruskewitz would we get?

Eight ideas for a snowy day

Apropos of nothing, here are a couple of ideas that could make life better for the less well-off in Madison. It is by no means exhaustive, nor is it meant to be a list that solves all problems. Not everyone is going to like all of them, so it’s worth reminding folks that Brenda is not the only person who blogs here, so don’t go blaming her for these.

City Primary Week Ahead

Yup - its Monday again. Primary elections tomorrow.

City Week Ahead

Not at all confident this list is the actual list of meetings this week. Last week there was a rash of added meetings, may well be again this week. So check the Weekly Meeting Schedule for additions.

A few Resolutions Sneaking by . . . .

Good one's for a change, both being voted on today! Both hopefully making it easier on our brothers and sisters without homes. One at the county, one at the city. The city one has a process snag, but should be good.