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This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Mo’ Effin’ Meetings

5 more, some are already over, since they didn't give 48 hours notice as promised. So sad. So very, very, sad.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

1 press conference, 2 meetings - including the police contract for the schools.

County Week Ahead

6 of 14 meetings start before 5:00.

City Week Ahead

12 of 19 meetings start before 5:00 . . . and watch for more meetings getting added, seems like the announcement that the agendas had to be in 48 hours in advance isn't being enforced.

Police Gearing Up for Budget Battle

Every year the police are the most political at budget time - Chief Wray was a little more smooth than Koval - but they don't act like the other departments. I wish Community Services would do the same thing they do - just one year. But when us alders tried, we got put in our place. Anyways, when they submit their budgets, the police always have a memo. Other departments don't do this. Here's this years . . . grab a bucket.

Black Lives Matter At Concerts on the Square

#FreedomNow Action Disrupts Concert on the Square, More Action Planned for Thursday

Heat: Best facilities in the Country for Livestock. And Homeless Persons?

Any one else besides me think County Executive Joe Parisi might have a priority problem?

What Will The Council Talk About Tonight? (with legal memo)

They won't be doing much talking, mostly listening. Nothing has been separated by the council to discuss. And the main is event is item number one, a petition submitted by police supporters. Michael May has a new memo about what this petition means. (read below)

Not My Police Department

Chief Koval recently wrote a blog in which he says "The Police are the Public and the Public are the Police." It sounds nice, but it doesn't erase everything else that has happened in the past few years. Crafting with a Cop, serving hot dogs at a community event, and having an article written that says that Samba Baldeh and the Chief have reconciled their differences - doesn't fix things. It ignores real and serious problems. It seems like a PR attempt to sweep things under the rug. It fails to acknowledge real harms and real problem. We have a policing crisis. They might not see it, but its real, and these things will do nothing to solve it. Hang in with me for a moment and let me explain.

What (some) Madison Police Officers Think of Madison Residents

It ain't good. Includes words like "go fuck yourselves", "assbags" and "glory-holing nincompoops" . . . yes, some of Madison's finest, Dean Baldukas and Scott McConnell. These guys are out on the streets and may answer when you call. Be warned.

4 Madison Schools Meetings

3 are today!!!

County Week Ahead

Sometimes their alphabet soup makes their agendas nearly unreadable, there are a couple agendas I could tell you what they are talking about and of course, no links to help figure it out.