Home Media Page 68


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

What Will The Council Talk About Tonight?

Soglin is absent again. Here's what they have picked to talk about . .. plus anything people show up to speak about.

3 (or 4) Ways to Help with the Day Center Today and Tomorrow (and...

Heh, I didn't have to write this cuz Heidi Wegleitner did . . . but I added one thing. Seriously, take a look and email or show up if you can . . . we need help to change the direction this is going - it needs to be a comprehensive center that is appropriately funded to get a good operator with the tools they need for this to be successful.

Chief Koval: What’s Up With the Thin Skin?

Seriously, the council hasn't patted you on the back enough so you're lashing out? Ya need more "atta-boys" to make it through the day? You say you're not going to be PC. Well, I'm not either. You're full of crap. We see through your political bullshit. The public/voters/taxpayers will too. You're losing the confidence of the public. And focusing on how the council hurt your feelings by not congratulating you to your liking is not the leadership we need from someone in your position right now. Deflecting from talking about what this report will actually do, isn't going to make it go away. Let's have a real conversation about those policies!

Mo’ Meetings

I'm so tired of these posts, aren't you. All three meetings are before 5:00 and if you need to request special accommodations (interpreters, translators, materials in alternate formats, etc,) you got less than 24 hours and as short at 1 hour to do so . . . if you got the notice immediately when it was released.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

Sorry, this is very, very late . . .

County Week Ahead

Only 5 of the 20 meetings before 5:00!

City Week Ahead

The majority of this is the council meeting on Tuesday night, lots of stuff going on. 20 other meetings, only 7 start after 5:00. It seems to be getting worse. On Wednesday there are meetings at 8:30, 10, 11, 12, 4 and 4:30.

Mo’ Meetings

Here's 25% of the meeting for this week that were just posted yesterday. Again, no chance to get an accommodation, since there's just a few hours or none at all to make the 48 hour notice before the meeting to request one.

Madison Police: SWAT Team to Get Body Cameras?!

What? Public Hearing 5:00 on Wednesday.

One School Board Meeting

Thursday, June 2 6:00 Title VII Parent Committee Meeting - Doyle Administration Bldg. 545 W. Dayton Street Madison, WI 53703 Room 100A - American Indian...

County Week Ahead

6 meetings, 3 of them are at 5:30 on Thursday, 2 before noon this week.

City Week Ahead

9 meetings, 2 don't have agendas. Only 4 meetings start at 5:00 or after.