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28 Demolition Notices This Year . . . So Far

I've been kinda slacking on the demolition notices, so here there are since January 1, in case I missed some. Will remain more vigilant moving forward. In all, there 28 demolition notices so far this year. If I got this right, it is 7 multi-unit residential properties, 9 single family homes, 8 commercial buildings plus the Bethel House and St. Paul's Chapel and 2 vacant lots. Some of the information is pretty vague.

Amelia Royko Maurer: D.A. Ismael Ozanne chose Mother’s Day to give notice to...

This past Sunday, District Attorney Ismael Ozanne gave notice that he will be reporting his decision on the officer-involved killing of Tony “Terrell” Robinson Jr. in 48 hours which lands on Tuesday, May 12th. He had promised to give the family and the public 48 hours notice.

Civil Public Discourse – Cottage Grove

Is a great idea to strive for, but personally, if I had to pick, I would prefer INFORMED public discourse. Tonight, at...

Live (ish) Council Blogging Part II – Capital Budget

Part One is the public input . . . first 3 hours . . . this is the capital budget . . .

Weekly Picket/To Do List

How will you participate in your local government this week? After the election it seems I was barraged with people saying they want to get involved locally to deal with Trump and asking what they should do. It's a hard question to answer, since there is so much going on. Here's some things you might be interested in this week . . . and of course, people are out circulating nomination papers to run for office right now . . . so there's always campaigns to be involved in! (Madison City Council, School Board, Fitchburg and other municipalities)

SEIU Heathcare WI want Ballots Impounded & Recounted

Revelation by Waukesha Republican Official with Known Credibility Issues is Questionable & Eerily Familiar to Previous GOP Efforts to Disenfranchise Voters, Re-Write History

Has Stoughton Gone Nuts? $5.1M in TIF for Walmart

$5.1M in TIF for Walmart? Someone accused me of posting Onion headlines yesterday. Well, here is, sadly, yet another one you might think is the Onion but is not. Paying to kill small businesses in their community? Paying to kill better paying jobs in their community?

Easy to Fix Important Issue for the “Home Challenged”

A friend who stayed at Occupy and now has no safe place to stay sent this in an email to a bunch of us yesterday . . . an issue you may have heard me talk about before and likely cost me my election in 2009, but its real. Listen to what he has to say . . .

County Week Ahead

I still can't find a budget schedule for them . . . has anyone seen one?

Arthur Kohl-Riggs Response to Not Being Placed on the Ballot

From his facebook page . . . in case that is not your thing.

County Week Ahead

Most meetings (13 of 21) during the day or all piled on Thursday night.

Random Round Up

Events and things happening around town.