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Input on the Cities Priorities

Affordable Housing, Homelessness, Economic Development and Neighborhoods

County Week Ahead

Relatively few meetings . . .

Food Deserts and Swamps

So, I went to a presentation about food desserts yesterday, it was a presentation for the common council, and here is what I learned.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

Just two meetings that I can find . . . I'm sure there are more . . .

Help Occupy Madison Achieve our Dream

site picture

Only one last minute City Addition

Hmmmm, this week there was only one last minute addition to the schedule - a distinct improvement! Or a fluke?

Help with WORT Pledge Drive Coming Up

Phone shifts available for people to answer phones and take pledges! I'm sure they would appreciate the help!

Wineke Faux Pas

When running for County Executive in Dane County . . .

$25,000 for “Greyhound Therapy” In the Mayor’s Budget!

"Greyhound Therapy" is the mayor's term for how he would solve homelessness - give them a one way ticket out of town. And he actually has $25,000 for it in his budget!

Madison’s Economic Development Plan

In these economic times, doesn't this plan seem kind of underwhelming? Where is the creativity and responding to immediate concerns. This is just more of the same from several years ago. How many jobs will this create? How much will it increase the property tax base? What are the real measurements for this work? I'm not inspired.

Mo’ Meetings

I'm so tired of these posts, aren't you. All three meetings are before 5:00 and if you need to request special accommodations (interpreters, translators, materials in alternate formats, etc,) you got less than 24 hours and as short at 1 hour to do so . . . if you got the notice immediately when it was released.

Misplaced Priorities

The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then get elected and prove it. P.J. O'ROURKE, Holidays in Hell The Village Board in...