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School Board Week Ahead

5 meetings - including layoffs and upcoming budget.

City-County Homeless Issues Committee Budget Recommendations

They have recommendations for both the city and county budget cycles. Here is what they found to be priorities.

Don’t Change my Government Structure, Change the Small Things First!

Here's 10 things city hall could change that I witnessed in less than 2 hours!  Good grief. I was interested in going to three different meetings yesterday. Government officials and committee members are wondering how to get more people to participate in local government - based on my experiences yesterday, I can name a few.  

AHAA Endorsement: District 2

This race still upsets me that two good candidates were kicked off the ballot.

This is a Crazy TIF Deal

If the TIF boundary change isn't accepted, the city will go ahead with a TIF-like deal for a project not in a TIF district. They'll still "pay back" the "loan" with their taxes.

Organics – City Program to Collect Food Waste, Etc.

Week three of the pilot program.

County Week Ahead

Also unusual.


The on thing that drives me the craziest about politics is the lies. Check out the lies about Kloppenberg.

Rubber? Or Wood?

What do you want on your playground for your kids to fall on? Yup, that's the question!

JDS: Finance Explanation

I waited 4.5 hours just to here this portion of the meeting. They heard from the public for less than 30 minutes and then talked about minute, boring details for hours, before they got to the important part - and spent (relatively speaking) little time on it. While asking questions after the meeting, there was still lots of confusion by alders, media and on-lookers. But, here was the explanation we got and the answers they got.

Occupy: Oh, the Needles! The Hazards!

This is probably, personally, one of the most offensive comments that I have heard about Occupy. And the reason is, that in my...

Madison Schools Week Ahead

Hmmm, the item in the "library" is from last week . . . so there more may be more meetings, but I don't know how to find out where they are. Also, these are the legal notices, so if its wrong . . .