County Week Ahead
Only 7 meetings, but somehow they managed to schedule 3 of them at the same time, and 2 before 5:00.
City Week Ahead
13 meetings, 6 start before 5:00. Shouldn't be many additions with the new rules, but we'll see.
Progressive Dane Calls on City Council To File Complaint Against Chief Koval
When is comes to policing issues, the Madison community has been through a significant amount of divisiveness and turmoil again this month. It started with the threatening and inflammatory blog by our Chief of Police, Mike Koval. This was quickly followed by his contentious and disrespectful antics at the council meeting of June 7th. And when things started to cool down politically, the community was rocked by the shocking video of Madison police officers beating, kicking and tasing a young black woman, Genele Laird.
Chief Couper and Others Lay Out Plan to Improve OUR Police
It was a whole hour long press conference with a set of awesome speakers. We have an active an engaged community on this issue, but with reluctant leadership in our police department, there is no one to engage with. Listen (and watch) as they lay it all out for us. Several call for Koval to resign. All make it clear that what we saw last week, police beating a young woman, is unacceptable.
Mo’ Meetings
Oh, how frustrating . . . 5 changes . . .
More Details on former Police Chief Rev. David Couper 1:00 Press Conference Today
Speakers changed a little, but this is the latest info I have . . . I suspect this is a game changer.
Eric Upchurch: Why Genele’s release is not really a win for her or...
Guest editorial . . . worth listening to!!! And supporting!!!
Koval vs. _______________
The whole damn community . . . the people speaking out is piling up . . . these is something wrong with police training, even it it meets some state or federal standards, it doesn't match our community standards. Former Chief Couper, Rep. Chris Tayor and D.A. Ismael Ozanne will hold a press conference at the City County Building today at 1:00, and likely add their voices. Police reform is needed now . . .
City Budget – 1st Quarter Report
Well . . . police and fire seem to be having the biggest negative impact on our budget, spending too much. And Room Taxes and building permit fees aren't bringing in as much money as we thought . . . Police and Fire spend whatever they want and we just pay it, business community over-promises. And we let it happen year, after year, after year. And guess what, this is going to be the worst budget ever in the history of the universe! So, predictable.
Judge Doyle Square, Final Agreement?
Of course, the one thing the city negotiators conceded on was the Labor Peace Agreement . . . and it appears to have cost us $1.25M more? (notes on "fee structure" are unclear to me) Board of Estimates will be discussing this tonight . . . in closed session . . . public beware.
Madison Schools Week Ahead
All three meetings on Monday . . .
County Week Ahead
3 meetings - 2 at noon or before, one at 6:30pm.