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Carpet Bomb Homeless People at the Top of State Street?

Give them laced heroin? Fill sprinklers with pepper spray and turn them on? What else did the police suggest as strategies to get homeless people off the top of State St.? And remind me, what did that police code of conduct say?

Madison(ish) Schools Week Ahead

They have last weeks meeting announcements up . . . :( And what they do have up wasn't there last week when I blogged, but...

Random Round Up

All kinds of things going on, they are not full posts on their own . . . so here they are mashed together! WILLY ST...

When does the Parks Department Kill Wildlife?

Here's the policy to be discussed today at 4:30. I have to say is shockingly short and lacking details. This will likely be decided by this committee and the Parks Commission and not to go to the full council.

City Week Ahead

Council Meeting, Neighborh Roundtable and more!

What Will The Council Talk About Tonight? (updated)

Here it is, in all its glory!

S. Livingston Railroad Crossing to be Closed

Proposed order was released yesterday . . . here are the conclusions:

The Mayor Said What?!

He loves to stick his foot in his mouth. "Mayor suggests involuntarily commitment for homeless at Occupy site". Knowing the people there,...

Downtown Siren Testing Today

Good morning downtown! Those sirens you are about to hear are probably no emergency . .

County Week Ahead

Budget done tonight.

Input on the Cities Priorities

Affordable Housing, Homelessness, Economic Development and Neighborhoods

School Board Budget Hearings

Tonight, 5:30 at LaFollette