Home Media Page 70


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

A Comment, On Comments,

I moderate some of the comments on Forward Lookout, and there are some that do not get through, let's review why . . .

Board of Estimates Amendments – Operating Budget

For consideration tonight! The list boggles my mind a bit

Guide to the County Budget

Also . . .tonight . . . they are sure to be done in one night given their super-amendment process.

New Library Director

Their candidate accepted, its up to the council to now approve.

Hands Off Lisa Mitchell!

This is truly absurd. Solitary confinement for EIGHT MONTHS due to her gender identity. You guessed it, right here in Dane County!...

(New and Improved) School Week Ahead

Now that I found some more of the meetings, not listed under "meetings". Sigh.

Water Main Flushing Schedule

Just so you are not surprised.

I’ve Had it! Have you?

So . . . will we rally to defend more of our rights the state is taking away? I sure hope so.

Downtown Siren Testing Today

Good morning downtown! Those sirens you are about to hear are probably no emergency . .

Irony Alert, Addition of City Meetings

Sigh . . . equity . . . A committee most people don't know about, but was touted as a success in the Equity...

2 Homeless Deaths this Weekend

4 5 since October 1, that we know about. If you know of others, make sure to get the info to MUM before tomorrow so they can be recognized in The Longest Night Homeless Person's Memorial Service on 12/21

Noon Council Meeting, Part II

Keyboard totally being random . . . so I got this the best I could.