Home Media Page 72


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

County Board Appointments Are Out!

So . . . does it matter if the county board chair (our council president) or the county executive (or mayor) makes the appointments? Not really, there are always winners and losers.

What are our City’s Priorities

You hear politicians say at budget time, that the budget reflects our priorities. Does it? Does it Really? Cuz I don't like what I'm seeing, and I think it explains our little equity problem quite well, especially in terms of arrest rates. We'd rather police people, then help them avoid that route in life.

Madison City Ticket Resolution Day – Part 2

If you've got city tickets, here's your "LAST" chance to reduce or resolve them! (Seriously, you have lots more chances. Don't believe the hype.)

4/20 Ben Masel Day

Was reminded of this via facebook h/t to Irving (for the reminder) and Leslie (for Phil Ejercito's awesome photo). Makes me sad. The world needs more Ben Masel's, now more than ever. ben

City Travel Also Banned to Mississippi, But What About Charlette?

Another email from the mayor . . . update and a question

Mo Freakin’ Meetings

20 meetings has turned into 29 . . . in just 48 hours . . . hopefully there are not more . . . that's a large margin of error!

County Board Leadership

Boring in comparison . . . but equally disturbing as they just work out everything behind the scenes. And voted not to allow people to speak a second time when a committee considers an item if they spoke the first time, even if the item (like the budget) has changed. The big issue is that we take up too much time. Annoying public, just let them do their work and stop bothering them.

15 Ballots to Elect A City Council President

So, you may have already read this on my facebook, but in case you haven't . . . this was crazy, it took an hour and 40 minutes. Don't say I didn't warn you . . .

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight (Updated)

You can't tell from this list but . . . who will be the next council president and Pro Tem is a hot topic tonight . . .

Judge Doyle Square, Round (I’ve Lost Track)

Among other things being voted on tonight, the council will be voting on which developer and project they want to go with on Judge Doyle Square.

Drama over Council Leadership?

So, a week ago everyone thought that Mo Cheeks was running for President and Marsha Rummel was running for Pro Tem (soon to be called the Vice President) . . . until last Thursday . . .

Mo’ Meetings

4 more . . . until more are added today.