Home Media Page 72


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Report/Thoughts on 2nd Budget Conversation

This one went a little smoother, but . . . there is still room for improvement and with the changes, the final results will be skewed.

County Board Conservatives Gone Wild – Wasting $100,000 or more?!

Wow . . . I thought conservatives were all about saving money, not wasting it. This concerns an items that normally most people wouldn't have...

Downtown Plan: Input Needed

Not just by those who live and make money downtown, but by everyone who uses it! Input sought by the end of the...

This Board of Estimates is Different Recap (Part I)

No Tim Bruer, No Dave Cieslewicz, No Jed Sanborn. No Mark Clear. And a return to ,minimal bk comments.

Other Not in the News Round Up

Upcoming events, requests non-profits, neighborhood association news, etc. It's been a while, so my apologies if your events have already gone by and I didn't post them . . .

Whose House? Our House! Is M&I Listening?

On Friday, Take Back the Land held a rally and press conference about a house being foreclosed on by M&I Bank. Check out their proposal on how to match housing with people.

City Week Ahead

26 meetings in this short week, 7 of them you can make it in time for the start if you work til 5:00 and drive fast!

Limited County Week Ahead

Only 6 meetings.

Rick Marolt: Why Scott Walker Should Be Recalled

Guest editorial . . .

Greg Gelembiek: Open Letter on Deadly Force

Good information and much to think about in this, please read.

This Isn’t Really the City Week Ahead

It's the information I have now, but it will change, there are meetings missing because they won't get noticed until later in the week.

Mo’ Meetings

I'm so sick and tired of these posts . . .