City Week Ahead
11 of the 21 meetings Monday - Thursday are before 5:00. More than half . . . its like the public isn't really encouraged to attend the meetings . . .
Occupy Madison Tiny House Village Plant Sale Tomorrow
Tomorrow 11 - 3 at 304 N. 3rd Street.
Live music, food, plants for sale, OM goods for sale, tours of the village, raffle tickets for sale, and a chance to help us raise money for "phase II" of our project to add a kitchen and community room, which allows us to put more houses on the site. (see below for raffle prizes)
Tony Robinson: Art Show and Moment of Silence Tonight
You ever have the feeling you're going to live forever? I mean like you're never going to die?... I'm going to be great, I...
MPD: Gearing Up to Ask For More Police
So, when the city grows, nonprofits who do a lot of services for the City of Madison don't get increases based on population growth, many years we didn't even get a cost of living increase, so why does the Madison Police Department get such increases? If they get 4 officers every year to keep pace, shouldn't community services get an commensurate increase?
Need an ID? Wanna Vote?
Better start working on it now! Vote Riders will get you there! And volunteers will make it easy for you! Thanks to Union Cab and Scott McDonell in Dane County Clerks Office! Call 608-729-7720 to get help.
Dane County Human Services Committee Year Ahead
In county government most things are carefully controlled and pre-decided. Without significant calls for change, which won't happen anytime soon, Sharon Corrigan and her minions have carefully choreographed things so that they remain in control - which includes making sure people don't run against incumbents, guaranteeing who gets elected to the chair, ensuring that the budget gets passed as they want it and determining who the committee chairs are. Last night the Health and Human Needs Committee saw a slight boat rocking . . . which of course, was tightly controlled. Don't worry your pretty little heads Jeremy Levin was returned to his throne as overlord of the Health and Human Needs Committee . . . but not without at least a little discussion.
Mo’ Meetings
What a surprise! (no, not at all) x more meetings, look for more tomorrow and maybe even Wednesday.
What Will the Council Talk About Tonight
Anything you (or anyone else) show(s) up to speak on and . . .
Mayor and Alders say Keep Downtown MATC
9 alders and the mayor are asking MATC to be more creative, close the west side campus, not downtown AND build the south side campus. Frankly, I don't get the either/or nature of downtown and southside.
What do you want in a new City Civil Rights Director?
Input needed! Live in person or by email. Personally, I'd like to see someone who cares passionately about fair housing and discriminatory housing patterns.
Where are the minutes?
Ok, for multiple reasons I was looking at this, and I'm actually looking for some minutes from a particular committee due to my request for a copy of a report discussed at a committee being denied. (More to come) But this is deeply disturbing. How do you find the minutes to these meetings? Of the 132 "council discussions" in legistar since 11/1/2005, only two of them have minutes. Of the meetings not in legistar this year, but in the "additional meetings" page on the clerks site, of the 70 meetings, only 5 have minutes.
Madison Schools Week Ahead
Just two meetings that I can find . . . I'm sure there are more . . .