County Week Ahead
15 meetings . . . and we'll be seeing the new supervisors in their new assignments and find out who will be chairing committees.
City Week Ahead
I don't know what is wrong here, but there is no way that there are only 11 meetings this week. Watch for Mo' Meetings, Mo' Mo' Meetings and probably Mo' Freakin' Meetings.
Council Culture of Secrecy
I've only been off the council for 7 years, but I find its culture of open whining about how hard it is to be on the council and its focus on itself instead of issues disturbing. But its culture of secrecy is even more concerning. Just look at the the charge of the committee that came up with the "government reform", and their agendas, and how their minutes are written. None of the meetings had more than 72ish hours notice of the meetings - find out Friday at 4:30 for a Monday meeting for three of them, the other had 30 hours notice. This doesn't appear to be a council that values the public in way shape or form. And I'm not sure what new leadership can do to fix it, given the ingrained culture of the current elected officials.
Om Village Video, Plant Sale and Tour de Tiny
Plant sale and bike tour is next Saturday!
$69,000 to Chase Homeless People Away
What if we were to use that money to pay for staff to work with homeless people to meet their needs, what would be more effective? Is this really our city's priorities? Before they spend this money, they should do an equity analysis!
Madison Schools Week Ahead
Here's what I could decipher . . . the school board meetings are so cryptic to me . . .
County Week Ahead – Cancelled?
It's Passover, so 6 meetings, all cancelled.
City Week Ahead
17 meetings . . . so, on an average week they add roughly 1/3 of the meetings after Friday evening, so expect 6 - 8 more meetings to show up this week, check back for Mo' Meetings . . .
County Board Appointments Are Out!
So . . . does it matter if the county board chair (our council president) or the county executive (or mayor) makes the appointments? Not really, there are always winners and losers.
What are our City’s Priorities
You hear politicians say at budget time, that the budget reflects our priorities. Does it? Does it Really? Cuz I don't like what I'm seeing, and I think it explains our little equity problem quite well, especially in terms of arrest rates. We'd rather police people, then help them avoid that route in life.
Madison City Ticket Resolution Day – Part 2
If you've got city tickets, here's your "LAST" chance to reduce or resolve them! (Seriously, you have lots more chances. Don't believe the hype.)