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What Should Our Local Government Look Like – 3rd Way

Alder Rebecca Kemble was tasked with reconciling the mayor's version with Sarah Eskrich's version of what a committee to re-shape local city government would look like and what they would be charged with doing. How'd she do?

Snow Updates From the City

What is that white stuff out there?

Madison Schools Week Ahead

2 meetings . . .

County Budget Public Hearing. Amendments and Confusing Process

I gotta say, I am just confused this year. Just when I think I know what is going on, I guess I figured out that I have no clue what is going on. Luckily, I can call supervisors and ask . . . but their process shouldn't be that confusing that you need someone to explain it to you.

March Madness: Phase II & III

3 or 4 phases, phase 2 started last night, 3 starts today. Phase 1 complete: 150 single men run out of days in the shelter on March 10th. They will only be let into shelter if it is less than 20 degrees or there is "extreme weather", definition of that, unknown

County Meanies Evicting Occupy from Lake Farm Park Noon Today

We've paid for three sites through tomorrow, but the county has given the campers a notice that they have to be out by noon today - they gave them the notice last night after 5:00. I have no idea what the campers will decide to do, we don't have transportation arranged for them with this short of notice and well, the county is just being mean.

What Will The Council Talk About Tonight?

Potentially nothing. No alders have separated any items for discussion - however, public hearing items or items the public shows up to speak on might be discussed.

Susan Pastor: Municipal Building – Offices? Or Hotel?

Madison’s Historic Municipal Building: City Offices or “Bold”, “Creative” Private Venture (and other problems with the Judge Doyle Square project)

Allied Drive Residents Not Happy with Boys and Girls Club?

I've heard rumblings about the Boys and Girls Club role in the community for quite some time, so I wasn't surprised to see this email sent to many in the community. It's something to think about.

Freakfest Terror For Downtown Residents

I'm talking about trying to get to or from your own house . . .

Activities to be Banned at Lisa Link Park “Visitor” Center

Some of these things are completely reasonable, but beware, no drinking a glass of wine and asking for directions, or stopping between beers to use the ATM, no staring, no offensive odor from hygiene (excessive nasty perfume, ok), no kissing (or holding hands?), no political materials (on State Street!) or charity work without permission, no kids running in the area with their shoes off after running in the splash park, no more than two bags in your possession (don't do too much shopping!), no changing your clothes in the restrooms (you hear that bikers?), no moving chairs or putting your feet on them, no eating that ice cream cone in an unapproved area, no taking Visitor Center materials into the rest room etc etc etc.

County Week Ahead

A little late, but here it is.