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Affordable Housing Development Fund Listening Sessions

Where should Dane County spend its money on affordable housing and homeless services?

County Week Ahead

5 meetings you can make it to if you work til 5:00, 16 total meetings.

Wow. City-County Building has near 50 people sleeping there now.

Even I was surprised when I walked out of the City-County Building last night, there were likely about 50 people sleeping out there, nearly doubling what it has been recently. And that number may grow. Makes the Occupy encampments start to look good.

Someone has got to say it

It's so obvious. So, I'll be the bad guy, again.


I've been on a quest to find information on the Overture, so far, I've been able to get this . . . it will cost the city up to $50M over the next 15 years. I'm hoping I made an adding mistake.

City Week Ahead

Only 16 meetings - 7 are before 5pm. More to come I'm sure . . .

Favorite. Sign. Ever.

Compliments of the City of Madison. They can't even blame it on the county . . . not this time . . .

Mayor’s Operating Budget Instructions

Read it and . . . show up to the listening session to let him know what you think!

Mo’ Meetings

5 were added yesterday, 1 already today . . .

Hariah H. Hutkowski Wants Your Money!

And he wants as much of your taxpayer money as he can get his hands on. If you live in Sun Prairie...

Major Correction!

Council fixes their mistake.

End of Slow Week Friday Morning Round Up

Here's what I have . . .