City Travel Also Banned to Mississippi, But What About Charlette?
Another email from the mayor . . . update and a question
Mo Freakin’ Meetings
20 meetings has turned into 29 . . . in just 48 hours . . . hopefully there are not more . . . that's a large margin of error!
County Board Leadership
Boring in comparison . . . but equally disturbing as they just work out everything behind the scenes. And voted not to allow people to speak a second time when a committee considers an item if they spoke the first time, even if the item (like the budget) has changed. The big issue is that we take up too much time. Annoying public, just let them do their work and stop bothering them.
15 Ballots to Elect A City Council President
So, you may have already read this on my facebook, but in case you haven't . . . this was crazy, it took an hour and 40 minutes. Don't say I didn't warn you . . .
What Will the Council Talk About Tonight (Updated)
You can't tell from this list but . . . who will be the next council president and Pro Tem is a hot topic tonight . . .
Judge Doyle Square, Round (I’ve Lost Track)
Among other things being voted on tonight, the council will be voting on which developer and project they want to go with on Judge Doyle Square.
Drama over Council Leadership?
So, a week ago everyone thought that Mo Cheeks was running for President and Marsha Rummel was running for Pro Tem (soon to be called the Vice President) . . . until last Thursday . . .
Mo’ Meetings
4 more . . . until more are added today.
City Bans Travel to North Carolina!
So says the Mayor! Standing up for the LGBTQ community, emphasis on the T.
What do YOU Want in a Historic Preservation Plan?
Landmarks Commission will be talking about the scope of services in the Request for Proposals (RFP) that will be going out, talking about it TONIGHT!. Before you start snoozing at that boring language . . . this is the part that matters. What you get depends upon what you ask for!
Mayor’s Moratorium on Food/Drink/Alcohol Establishments in Downtown
This will be discussed tonight at the Plan Commission, Wednesday at ALRC and Thursday at Downtown Coordinating Committee. Question is, does anyone but the mayor think this is a good idea? Or necessary?
Madison Schools Week Ahead
I feel so incompetent, it looks like there is only one meetings this week - that may or may not be true. You figure it out. Of course, that one meeting is during the day.