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One School Board Meeting

Thursday, June 2 6:00 Title VII Parent Committee Meeting - Doyle Administration Bldg. 545 W. Dayton Street Madison, WI 53703 Room 100A - American Indian...

New Badger Partnership Propaganda

While most politically active students - from the Teaching Assistants' Association to the Student Labor Action Coalition to many members of the Associated Students...

To Merge or Not To Merge….

In the Village of Cottage Grove and the Town of Cottage Grove that really is not the question of the moment. The question...

City Purchasing Leaning Toward Less Bidding for City Purchases?

In the city language they use "sole source" purchases when they want to avoid a bidding process. This used to be highly unique . . . but it seems to be becoming less and less unique. So, a blog about sweetheart deals in honor of Valentines Day. Where does this slippery slope end?

So, What Does the Council Want to Do About Homelessness?

Here's the council discussion after some very moving testimony about Occupy Madison and what it means for homeless individuals living there, about what it is like to be homeless and about how the homeless services in this town may not work for everyone who is homeless.

Don’t swim in THAT water!

Madison and Dane Counties disgrace . . . our lakes

Ride the Drive – Northport!

Change of venue . . . could it be as cool as downtown? :)

I went to Jail for Justice . . .

Didn't actually find any . . . but didn't expect to. The media didn't cover our other good works/news/the rally, but they did cover people being arrested. And, it must have been the right thing to do . . . as we were able to help a friend out in the process.

Housing is a Human Right – Now what will we do about it?

A community summit to build the housing justice movement in Dane County. APRIL 27, 2013 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

County Board Week Ahead

Budget, budget, budget . . . sure wish there was a place to see all the amendments . . . .

Council Recap – Live Blogged

Everyone is here. Rules are suspended. A small handful of people in attendance. Listen to the audio for the poetry reading.

Retaliation for Wednesday’s Blog Post

County Board Chair consulting with the sheriff and head of Health and Human Needs threatening to cut TRC's funds. Yeah. That's right.