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This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Mo’ Meetings

1 cancellation, 3 additions (two from this morning)

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?

Nothing? Bah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha . . . .

Big Share Today! Think Tenant Resource Center! (Updated with Winners!)

Or any of the other 70 great Community Shares organizations, its so hard to choose! TRC staff has taken over my facebook page, enjoy their silliness and see below to see how you can help us by donating during certain times of the day and the "prizes" you can win . . . we already have our first winner!!!!

School Board Week Ahead

2 meetings "featured" under meetings, and 3 more secret meetings under "library". Monday February 29th 4:30 Badger Rock Middle School (BRMS) Governance Board Meeting - Badger...

County Week Ahead

11 meetings, all but 2 are on Thursday, 5 are before 5:00.

City Week Ahead

18 meetings, 2 have agenda's missing, 9 are before 5:00. More to come, stay tuned.

Live (ish) Council Recap

Sorry, no time to do more than type this as its happening and hope it works out ok!

Mo’ Mo’ Meetings

4 more to add to the 2 from yesterday, and the 19 meetings that were up on Friday. 20% fail so far, and its only Tuesday.

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?

Here's their "consent" or really "non-consent" agenda. Everything else on the agenda will pass unless someone shows up to speak or an alder decides to pull something off the agenda.

Mo’ Meetings

I'm so sick and tired of these posts . . .

Black Workers in Dane County Discussion

index Join the discussion to improve the economic status of Black Workers in Dane County.

CCOC Recommends Tim Gruber for 11th Dist. Alder

It only took 3 hours, 14 candidates, 2 rounds of voting and 8 alders to decide. In the end, the 14 candidates were reduced to 8, 3 made it to round 2.