Home Media Page 79


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I went to Jail for Justice . . .

Didn't actually find any . . . but didn't expect to. The media didn't cover our other good works/news/the rally, but they did cover people being arrested. And, it must have been the right thing to do . . . as we were able to help a friend out in the process.

Housing is a Human Right – Now what will we do about it?

A community summit to build the housing justice movement in Dane County. APRIL 27, 2013 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

MG&E said what?

This makes no sense.

How to Celebrate MLK Day (Updated – 4)

Shut down all the city and county services and buildings without a plan for the most vulnerable. Nothing says social and economic justice like letting people spend the all day in freezing temperatures. (15 F forecast)

Apologies . . .

So, I haven't posted in several days. Have 16 days of video footage with some good stuff and no time to edit ....

4/20 Ben Masel Day

Was reminded of this via facebook h/t to Irving (for the reminder) and Leslie (for Phil Ejercito's awesome photo). Makes me sad. The world needs more Ben Masel's, now more than ever. ben

Guide to the County Budget

Also . . .tonight . . . they are sure to be done in one night given their super-amendment process.

City Week Ahead

Only 11 meetings, but quite a few unusual items and items of interest.

City Week Ahead

Cancelled meetings not showing up here are Historic Preservation Plan Advisory Committee (tonight), Early Childhood Care and Education Committee (Wednesday), Council Meeting (Thursday). There are so many odd things going on with this weeks schedule - its a mess. Most important thing to know is Council meets on Judge Doyle Square and the Budget on Tuesday - Wednesday if needed.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

After doing School Board Candidate interviews yesterday, I'm just frustrated all over again about how the MMSD is just not transparent in any way, shape or form.

Wake Up Call: Gaps in the Homeless Services “System”

So, as homelessness is getting more attention, you hear the mayor say the city is spending $3M on services and the county handing out lists of the services available and non-profits are telling us that services are "readily available" but lets take a look at what is really going on.