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Dane County Office of Equity and Inclusion

During the budget there were several amendments creating this office, but this is the first I have seen of any kind of comprehensive description of what it all means. The Equal Opportunities Commission will be discussing this tonight (5:30 Room 421, City-County Building)

Loitering Ordinance? Again?

Last night a police officer suggested that one of the things that the alders could do to help with the issue of people with criminal intent (not homeless) hanging out at the top of State St. was to support a loitering ordinance made wanna do a Sue Bauman eye roll. Been here, done this. But it elicited an interesting set of comments on my facebook page.

Memo to Explain Changes at Salvation Army

This goes with the FAQs from yesterday.

Let Chief Mike Koval Pay His Own Legal Fees

Should the community pay nearly $22,000 because the City of Madison Police Chief can't control his temper? I think not. And there is plenty of reason to back that opinion up. Board of Estimates (soon to be Finance Committee) will consider this today, let them know what you think!

Reviewing Sheriff Mahoney’s Campaign Finance Reports

I took a look at the endorsement list and was surprised, found out some folks were improperly listed and so I thought I'd look at the campaign finance reports, because support there is unmistakable. And of course, I found more interesting stuff that I expected. And I'm wondering, do these folks all support his ICE policies? Many of the names, of course, are the same.

Homeless Services Consortium Weighs in on County Budget

If you'd like to help support these recommendations, email the county board at County_Board_Recipients@countyofdane.com and make sure to include your address so they know you are a constituent!

Decoding the changes to the Downtown Plan

Wondering just what's changed in the Downtown plan since November? Thankfully, we have very helpful City Staff who've made it easier to figure it out.

Demolition Updates

I'm working on a history of demolitions, looking for trends, but for now, here are all the (31) demolition proposals since my last update . . . in September.

Here’s the documentation about why I’ve been fired . . . part 1

Since the gloves are off and the board has gone to the press and issued a press release . . . and it's up to the membership or the courts now . . . and the court of public opinion! Here you go . . . all the details I have documented.

The (Public Schools) Profit Motive

We have brought you the story before that the current round of "education reform" is a myth, that its just a ruse to try...

City Attorney has yet another opinion on Koval’s Legal Fees

This time, its 7 pages . . . but still he doesn't look into the Couper case? And, there is a startling conclusion . . . he agrees with himself . . . go figure.

Downtown Ride the Drive Coming Up!

I post this mostly as a warning to my neighbors . . .
Ride the Drive – Downtown A Festival on Wheels!
June 3, 2012 10a.m. – 3p.m.