Voter Suppression from Madison Police Department?
Be afraid, be very afraid. If you vote you could be at risk of being blown up!
Heidi Wegleitner: Our government is broken
Her comments from the Bernie Sanders rally, in case you missed them!
Dane County Affordable Housing Summit
Mark your calendars and register now . . . tho I'm not sure they really want people from Madison or advocates there . . .
What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?
So, this is a three page explanation . . . really there are 4 items the council members want to talk about . . . and then whatever the public shows up to speak on might be talked about . . . or they could add things at the meeting.
(4) Mo’ Meetings in 1.5 hours!
This is just absurd . . . 4 new meetings and 2 cancellations in the first hour and a half of today. Why?
Madison Schools Week Ahead (UPDATED!!!)
2 meetings.
County Week Ahead
5 meetings, 8:15, noon, noon, 5:30 and 5:30.
City Week Ahead
10 meetings this week, which will likely turn into 14 - 18 by the end of the week.
Latest Blow to Tenants in Wisconsin!
This is the 5th change to tenant landlord laws in Wisconsin in 4.5 years. We at the Tenant Resource Center are exhausted from trying to keep up . . . the governor passed the bill on 2/29, it was published on 3/1 and went into effect on 3/2. The laws became available electronically on 3/17 (last Thursday) and here's our latest and greatest summary. Landlords now act like police, determining what is criminal behavior, punishing the person or their family . . . but they also still have to prove it in court!
Salvation Army Now Allows 45 Women Into Shelter Each Night!
No new funding, but Salvation Army prioritizes the safety of single women.