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Am I Worthy? Am I from Madison?

Wow, I said Soglin has gone nuts - now is he just lying? This Mayoral hatred of the homeless is getting really bizarre

Council Agenda for This Evening

Still catching up from yesterday morning . . .

Revisiting the Battle of Miffland

I'm volunteering for Capitol Neighborhoods at the Mifflin St Block Party to help inform people at the event what to expect (I feel obligated, I voted on the exec committee to help sponsor the event) . . . we've come a long way from where it started.

Public Market Update

This was sent by Marsha Rummel to her neighborhood listserves, it was so good I thought I'd pass it along.

A Brief Update on Two New Anti-Tenant Laws

This week there were two new anti-tenant bills that have been circulating up at the capitol. This is a brief update on what I know so far . . . subject to more investigation and interpretation! These will affect not just Madison and Dane County - this one affects ALL Wisconsin tenants!!!

Evidence of Increasing Poverty

Warning: This isn't pretty.

County Week Ahead

1:30?, 9:00?, 11:30? noon?, 11:30?, 3:00? Are these times you have available during the week to participate in your local government processes? By the time things get to the county board, its too late.

Summer is Over County Week Ahead

Three days of meetings as well, but none yesterday, so I procrastinated til today.

Progressive Dane: City Must Act Swiftly to Address Police Killing

The press release sent out last night calling on the council to act.

Good Meeting Tweet, Brings Bad Journalism

Apparently in today's Wisconsin, random "tweets" are now what is classified as news! We have one of the most extreme budgets in our...

Overture! Public Comment & Ad Hoc Committee Report

Live blogged.

Operating Budget Amendments by Alders (Updated 2)

Here's what the Board of Estimates will be discussing on Monday.