City Week Ahead
Only 16 meetings and one is cancelled. That is sure to change! Nearly half are before 5:00.
What is this?
Yesterday morning when I read this, after puking (there is only so much smarminess one person can take), I was intrigued. After all the work we have been doing to get homeless people to have a program to pay off their tickets for the past two years . . . voila! I'm glad the program is here, but it brings up many, many questions, not the least of which, why'd we only get 5 days notice of this?
Affordable Housing for the Isthmus!
Here is a joint (draft) statement from Greater Williamson Street Area Business Association, Common Wealth, Marquette Neighborhood Association, A Place to Be and Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Association representatives to promote affordable housing options on the Isthmus. It's still being worked on, but its a start!
Parking Rates Going Up!!!
Public input needed Wednesday . . . or send in your comments before then!
Mo’ meetings!
Board of Parks Commissioners tonight?! 5 more years of Shake the Lake!
Remembering Tony Robinson
Not stopping, until there is Justice for Tony.
First 15 minutes is the march with speeches from Andrea Irwin, Tony's Mom, other moms...
City to Authorize 5 more years of fireworks!
Tonight, the resolution is at Board of Estimates. Looks like it is also referred to the Board of Park Commissioners and then will be voted on by the council. 5 more years.
County Week Ahead
18 meetings, 7 before 5pm.
City Week Ahead
Only 16 meetings - 7 are before 5pm. More to come I'm sure . . .
Tony Robinson Events This Weekend
Today, Tomorrow, Sunday and until there is Justice for Tony.
Police Policy Committee Does the Right Thing
Of course they did, look who's on the committee! (Seriously, great committee members!)