Live (ish) Council Recap
Sorry, no time to do more than type this as its happening and hope it works out ok!
Mo’ Mo’ Meetings
4 more to add to the 2 from yesterday, and the 19 meetings that were up on Friday. 20% fail so far, and its only Tuesday.
What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?
Here's their "consent" or really "non-consent" agenda. Everything else on the agenda will pass unless someone shows up to speak or an alder decides to pull something off the agenda.
Mo’ Meetings
I'm so sick and tired of these posts . . .
CCOC Recommends Tim Gruber for 11th Dist. Alder
It only took 3 hours, 14 candidates, 2 rounds of voting and 8 alders to decide. In the end, the 14 candidates were reduced to 8, 3 made it to round 2.
New Dane County Housing Website
Information and resources . . . make sure to check out the fact sheet.
Oscar Mayer Listening Session Wednesday
Alder Rebecca Kemble posted this:
14 people applied to fill District 11 Alder Seat
Yeah 14. We only have 4 races for 37 county board seats, but when you don't have to campaign, raise money, deal with nastiness, etc. we have plenty of people willing to serve . . . by tomorrow, it will be decided who will be filling this seat.
School Board Week Ahead
Um . . . there is nothing on the meetings page, but this is on the Library page.
County Week Ahead
20 meetings, 30% before 5:00.
City Week Ahead
19 meetings, 1 cancelled, more to come . . .