Who Gets To Decide Next Steps on the Day Center
Well . . . as they have said to us . . . United Way does. Why United Way? And why are some nonprofits brought to the table and not others? And why not the elected officials in the area around the day center? Not the neighborhood?
Police Policy Committee Meets Tonight!
One agenda item . . .
Presentations from organizations serving communites of color related to communites of color and policing: - JEMS Enterprises of Madison - Peng Her - Latino Consortium for Change - Freedom Inc. - Justified Anger - Black Lives Matter - Young, Gifted, and Black
Alliant Energy Center Updates and Info
County Board votes tonight, Council postpones update for second time, and who cares? You probably should, because we'll probably be forking over another boatload of TIF money and other subsidies to make something happen, lets makes sure its something out community wants and needs.
Mo’ Meetings (Updated!?!)
Sorry, should have done this one earlier this week! You can still make it to 3 of the 4 meetings
(To)Day Without Latinos and Immigrants
I'm hoping this gets wide participation and alot of attention. Event and traffic info below.
Street Lights and Benches or Affordable Housing
How should the county be spending its federal money?
Election Night Results Follies . . .
Campaign results in local campaigns are usually in within 20 minutes to an hour of the polls closing. Last night, with hardly anything on the ballot . . . it was hours.
Uh, Don’t Forget To Vote!
Most people only have the Supreme Court primary . . . but its important! Vote Kloppenburg!
You might have another thing to vote...
2.5 Days to Talk About Homelessness?
Or at least a portion of 2.5 days. I know I'll be taking 2.5 days off work to attend . . .
Judge Doyle Square to have PUBLIC discussion!
Last night the Board of Estimates was supposed to make a decision about which of the two remaining developers to choose for Judge Doyle Square? What would our starting point for the millions of dollars of TIF and city assistance be? Not a single member of the public showed up to give input. Not. one. So, they decided to keep both in the running and have a PUBLIC interview with both candidates.
JDS: Option 1? 2? Or None?
Staff recommendations are out and the Board of Estimates will be voting on what to do tonight . . . of course, its scheduled for closed session . . . like it always is . . .
(New and Improved) School Week Ahead
Now that I found some more of the meetings, not listed under "meetings". Sigh.