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County Week Ahead

11 meetings, 4 of them before 5:00.

City Week Ahead

12 meetings? Seriously? Watch for several more posts this week announcing meetings.

Republicans Attack Local Control, Pass Dangerous Bill Gutting Local Landlord/Tenant Laws

From Lisa Subeck . . . read it and weep. Another lesson learned about not trusting the legislative alert system to give you timely information - I thought for some reason the Assembly was voting on this next week, but apparently they did yesterday.

County Board, District 1, Candidate Forum

From last night. Sponsored by Capital Neighborhoods Inc.

School Lessons

You'd think when you looked at the meeting sections of a website, they'd post all the meetings there. No, some are, the rest are in the Library tab, under legal notices . . . and apparently, there are still more meetings that aren't listed in either place. No wonder no one runs for school board in Madison, its like some magical mystical secret club and you need to know the password to get in. I asked for a secret decoder ring, hopefully it arrives in the mail soon!

WYOU Fundraiser!

Next Thursday. I have a soft spot in my heart for them, they taught me everything I know about video! And I'm still a member . . . gotta support the team! Silent auction (Madison Mallards, Kessenich's, Artful HOme, Willy St. Co-op, Petosi Brewery), 50-50 raffle and WYOU gets $1 for every beer you buy!

Statewide Standards for Body Cameras?

Introduced . . . will it pass?

Military Jets Got You Down?

All week they will be flying around 10pm. And again for another week in March. You CAN do something about it.

Another Example of Elected Officials Shut Down by Lawsuits/City Attorney?

This time, Kipp. There hasn't been a neighborhood meeting since 2012 and people want to know why . . . I'm guessing I know the answer . . . cuz Marsha Rummel, queen of the neighborhood meeting, certainly isn't afraid of her constituents!!! And, on the topic covered here beyond public meetings, is this how we handle environmental health issues in this city, county and state? Hand the communications details with the neighbors over to the corporate polluters? And then if they don't inform people, people don't know, and they don't ask questions. We like to believe we live in a city that encourages public participation, but Maria asks a good question "What is democracy in Madison coming to when public health agencies hand over this important risk communication task to the corporate polluter?"

Sunday Night Fireworks, Monday Morning Musings

Did you hear them Sunday night after the football game? Seems as those most of the city did - north and east at least did.

End Homelessness for Families by 2020

We were supposed to end veteran homelessness by the end of last year (we didn't do so well, here, we are not number one)...

Resolution the City Attorney Doesn’t Want You to See!

Or the council to have a chance to vote on. Someone tell me what the legal risk is here?