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What Police Policies Need To Be Addressed?

Your input needed today at 5:30 (or email your input!)

Mo’ Meetings!

2 adds, 1 subtract at the City.

Livish Brief Blog of Council Meeting

Multi-tasking . . .

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?

Here's the consent agenda.

Pitifully Few Vie for County Board/School Board Seats

Filing deadline is tomorrow and out of 37 potential county board races, there are currently . . . four. 3 known retirements from the board. 89% of the county board supervisors are likely to skate through another election, unopposed. No contested races for 3 of the 7 school board seats?

County $15 Living Wage?

Meeting tonight at 5:30, Room 251 City-County Building. Personnel and Finance Committee. Item D 12.

County Week Ahead

Meetings only on Monday (3) an Thursday (5).

City Week Ahead

12 meetings? I bet there's a whole lot more we find out about on Monday and Tuesday!

Today, We Say Good-bye Housing Help Desk

17 years. It doesn't feel so good to do something for 17 years and be kicked out on your butt without as much as a thank you - but instead a, "let's never do business again". So it goes when working with the county. Can't say I'm sad to have the relationship end. But our clients . . . and the people who need our help, well that crushes my soul.

Snow Emergency!

Listen up - especially if you are new to living downtown! Tickets, tickets, tickets!!!!! Free parking in the parking ramps!

City and County Week Ahead (Cancelled)

1 meeting. One.

County’s Version of What Happened With Bethel

Here's a response from Lynn Green to an email from Ed Kuharski that I was cc'd on. A different version of the story. And plans to give the money to . . . drumroll please . . . PORCHLIGHT! A miraculous solution in 17 hours or less!