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Last Minute Blindside from the Mayor for Occupy!

An hour or two ago several alders forwarded this to me . . . the mayor or his staff didn't and they didn't feel the need to talk with us or come visit our shop, he was too busy . . . but not too busy to meet with neighbors in opposition and put this out 25 hours before the vote.

County Board Responds: Transparency and Public Participation

I got a pretty poor showing, only 4 of the 37 county board supervisors bothered to respond, and I can only reprint 3 of them. I gotta say, no surprises there. The trend seems to be going completely in the opposite direction.
daily round up

Thursday/Friday Daily Round Up 9/24 & 25

The Friday Round Up is always the largest one of the week, lots of city updates on Fridays.

Assessments are Out!

Unclear where to find the bottom line on what is means for the city in terms of revenue. The best I could tell...

Stopping the Train

What's so scary about a train? Is Blaska right, is that why people voted for Walker, or is there a whole lot more to it? And what happens if they are successful? We lose jobs and millions of dollars in our Wisconsin economy. It makes no sense.

Sometimes, it is GOOD to be WRONG

Yesterday, I wished that the Statement of Interest forms for the City of Madison elected officials and committee members were on line. And guess what, for the first time ever, they are!

Final(?) Decision on Day Resource Center Tonight

So, the Plan Commission is hearing about the conditional use for the day resource center tonight. If they approve it, (and its not appealed) this will be the final step to it opening sometime next year! Exciting? Or, more likely anti-climactic as it is after waiting for 7 years and being disappointed in the operator of the facility and their model for services. Local businesses have given a ABSURD list of conditions, local advocates have a long list of concerns and the city council and county board have been largely ignored when telling the staff to include adequate storage, laundry facilities and that they will not be funding additional services beyond the day resource center. So, it will interesting to see how this all turns out, see below for a list of concerns that are not adequately addressed.

See You at the Wedding Tonight?

After you're done protesting M&I bank tonight, make your way over to High Noon . . . for a wedding!

Live Blog of the City Council Budget Meeting

Let the games begin . . . all council members here. I had a dream last night that I was the only "media" to show up. Joe Tarr from the Isthmus is here keeping me company . . . no tv, no radio, might be a stray print person around here. Live blogged . . . no complaining about the errors.

Madison (area) Schools Week Ahead

1 meeting. Monday, November 21 6:30pm Special Board of Education Meeting in Open Session -- WORKSHOP, Doyle Administration Bldg. 545 W. Dayton Street Madison, WI ...

County Week Ahead

Over 20 meetings this week. Monday, June 10, 2013 12:00 PM Lakes & Watershed Commission - Budget Committee DNR 3911 Fish Hatchdry Rd. - Initial Concerns and Possible...

Privatization Pirates!

Watching Captain Phillips recently, my wife turned to me and said "I've found someone who has a harder job than I do". I...